"Leadership in Higher Education and Research in Times of Dynamic Global Change"
Online, 09 – 10 June 2021
Co-organized by ETH Zurich & EWORA
First Name | Last Name | Uni./Institution | Position | Country |
Eva | Åkesson | Lund Uni. | Professor | Sverige |
Anna-Karin | Andershed | Orebro Uni. | Deputy Vice Chancellor | Sweden |
Georgi | Apostolov | Inter. Business School | Vice-Rector | Bulgaria |
Pilar | Aranda Ramírez | Uni. of Granada | Rector | Spain |
Litvin | Aurelia | State Agrarian Uni. | Head of Department | R. Moldova |
Canan | Aykut Bingol | Yeditepe Uni. | Rector | Turkey |
Belgin | Ayvaşık | TED Uni. | Rector | Turkey |
Hester | Bijl | Leiden Uni. | Rector Magnificus | The Netherlands |
David | Bohmert | CESAER | Secretary General | Belgium |
Holly | Branigan | Uni. of Edinburgh | Head of School | United Kingdom |
Nina | Buchmann | ETH Zurich | Department Head | Switzerland |
Larisa | Bugaian | Tech. Uni. of Moldova | Vice rector | R. Moldova |
Hulya | Caglayan | EWORA | Secretary General | Turkey |
Lidia | Carballo-Costa | Uni. of A Coruna | Lecturer/researcher | Spain |
Sara | Carvalho | Uni. de Évora | Trainee,Gender Equ. Office | Portugal |
Anna | Chelmonska-Soyta | Wroclaw Uni.of Env.&Life Sci. | Vice-rector | Poland |
Fanny | Cheung | Chinese Uni. of Hong Kong | Emeritus Prof. | Hong Kong |
Elif | Çepni | Karabuk Uni. | Dean | Turkey |
Agnieszka | Dardzinska-Glebocka | Białystok Uni. of Tech. | Vice Rector | Poland |
Dieter | De Bruyn | Ghent Uni. | Senior Adv. of the Rector | Belgium |
Carlo | Di Benedetta | Comm.of Mediterranean Uni. | Head Office Coord. | Italy |
Boguslawa | Drelich-Skulska | Wrocław Uni. of Econ.& Bus. | Vice Rector | Poland |
Eileen | Drew | Director | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland |
Lise | Dumasy | Grenoble Alpes Univ. | Former president&counsellor | France |
Corina | Dumitrescu | Politeh.Uni.of Bucharest | Dean | România |
Corina Adriana | Dumitrescu | Dimitrie Cantemir Christ.Uni. | President,Uni.'s Senate | Romania |
Claire | Dupas-Haeberlin | AFDESRI | Member of Admin.Board | France |
Meryem Sondan | Durukanoğlu Feyiz | Kadir Has Üniversity | Rector | Turkey |
Berit | Eika | Aarhus Uni. | Prorector | Denmark |
Alia | El-Yassir | UN Women | Regional Director | Turkey |
Mohamed | Elaswad | CMU | President | Egypt |
Ayşın | Ertüzün | Boğaziçi Uni. | Former Vice Rector | Turkey |
Mihaela | Falub | Uni. of Zurich | Program Manager | Switzerland |
Carmen | Fenoll | Uni. de Castilla-la Mancha | Dep. Head&Former Vice-rector | España |
Arne | Flåøyen | Director | NordForsk | Norway |
Pam | Fredman | President | IAU | Sweden |
Ana | Freitas | Universidade de Évora | Rector | Portugal |
Mine | G. Tan | Ankara Uni. | Prof. Emeritus of Sociology | Turkey |
Yvonne | Galligan | Technological Uni. Dublin | Director (Vice-Rector level) | Ireland |
Esra | Gençtürk | Ozyegin Uni. | Rector | Turkey |
Isabel | Gil | Uni. Católica Portuguesa | Rector | Portugal |
Jurgita | Giniuniene | Kaunas Uni. of Technology | Head,Human Resources | Lithuania |
Ines | Guenther | Paul Scherrer Institute | Staff of Directorate | Schweiz |
Oya | Guneri | TED Uni. | Vice-Rector | Turkey |
Akile | Gürsoy | Beykent Uni. | Faculty | Turkey |
Jasminka | Hasic Telalovic | Uni.Sarajevo Sch.of Sci.&Tech. | Associate Professor | Bosnia-Herzeg. |
Claudine | Hermann | EPWS | President | France |
Nouria | Hernandez | Université de Lausanne | Rectrice | Suisse |
Kathryn | Hess Bellwald | EPFL | Associate VP | Switzerland |
Andrea | Hoffmann | Graz Uni. of Technology | Vice-rector | Austria |
Liisa | Husu | Örebro Uni. | Senior Professor | Sweden |
Kristin | Ingolfsdottir | Uni. of Iceland | Former rector | Iceland |
Emilija | Janevik | Goce Delcev Uni. Stip | Former Vice-Rector | N. Macedonia |
Liu | Jinan | WWUPF | Chair | PRC |
Nicole | Kälin | Uni. of Basel | Head Diversity | Switzerland |
Sirin | Karadeniz | Bahçeşehir Uni. | President | Turkey |
Rumeyza | Kazancioglu | Bezmialem Vakif Uni. | Rector | Turkey |
Julija | Kirsiene | Vytautas Magnus Uni. | Vice-Rector | Lithuania |
Daniela | Kleinschmit | Albert-Ludwigs-Uni. Freiburg | Prorector | Deutschland |
Kerstin | Krieglstein | Albert-Ludwigs-Uni. Freiburg | Rector | Germany |
Bugaian | Larisa | Technical Uni. of Moldova | Vice rector | Moldova |
Françoise | Le Fichant | Uni. of NANTES | Vice- Rector | France |
Rebecka | Lettevall | Malmö Uni. | Dean, Professor | Sweden |
Marcela | Linková | Czech Academy of Sciences | Head, Research department | Czech Republic |
Ulrike | Lohmann | ETH Zürich | President,Lecturer's Conf. | Switzerland |
Christiane | Löwe | Uni. of Zurich | Head,Gender Equ.&Diversity | Switzerland |
Anita | Maguire | Uni. College Cork | Professor | Ireland |
Fátima | Marinho | Uni. of Porto | Full Professor | Portugal |
Laetitia | Marrot | InnoRenew Cen. of Excell. | Researcher | Slovenia |
Lena | Mårtensson | Uni. of Skövde | Pro Vice-Chancellor | Sweden |
Olga | Mazurina | Tomsk Polytechnic Uni. | Rector's Delegate | Russia |
Mª Vicenta | Mestre | Rector | Uni. of Valencia | Spain |
Ramona | Mihaila | Dimitrie Cantemir Christ.Uni. | Vice Rector | Romania |
Federica | Mogherini | College of Europe | Rector | Belgium/Poland |
Jana | Mojžišová | Uni. of Vet. Med.& Pharmacy | Rector | Slovensko |
Charlie | Mom | TMC Research | Researcher | Netherlands |
Lisa | Mooney | Sheffield Hallam Uni. | Pro Vice-Chancellor | United Kingdom |
Louise | Morley | Professor of Education | Uni. of Sussex | United Kingdom |
Helena | Nazare | Former Rector | Uni. of Aveiro | Portugal |
Vovk | Nelia | Cherkasy Inst. of Fire Safety | Assistant professor | Ukraine |
Ursula | Nelles | Former Rector | Munster Uni. | Germany |
Katrin | Niglas | Tallinn Uni. | Vice-Rector for Research | Estonia |
Mara | Nikolaidou | Harokopio Uni. of Athens | Rector | Greece |
Andrea | Nolan | Edinburgh Napier Uni. | Principal & Vice-Chancellor | United Kingdom |
Mary | Okwakol | National Council for HE | Executive Director | Uganda |
Lerzan | Özkale | Executive Director | ITU DF Schools | Turkey |
Sevim | Özturk | İnonu Uni. | Assoc. Dr. academician | Türkiye |
María-Teresa | Paramio | Uni. Auton. of Barcelona | Professor | España |
Helena | Pereira | President | FCT | Portugal |
Monica | Perez | ESMT | Affiliate Professor | Germany |
Mamokgethi | Phakeng | Uni. of Cape Town | Vice-Chancellor | South Africa |
Rosalina | Pisco Costa | Universidade de Évora | Pro-rector | Portugal |
Valentina | Pritcan | Alecu Russo State Uni. | Vice-rector | R.Moldova |
Beate | Schücking | Universität Leipzig | Rektorin | Deutschland |
Beata | Przyborowska | Nicolaus Copernicus Uni. | Vice-Rector | Poland |
Guðbjörg LINDA | Rafnsdóttir | Uni. of Iceland | Pro-Rector of Science | Iceland |
Martine | Rahier | Uni. of Neuchâtel | Former Rector | Switzerland |
Ferruccio | Resta | Politecnico di Milano | Rector | Italy |
Rodrigo | Rosa | ISCTE-IUL | Research Fellow | Portugal |
Zane | Rostoka | Rīgas Tehniskā Uni. | Head, Personnel Unit | Latvija |
Pilar | Safont | Universitat Jaume I | Vice-rector | Spain |
Gülsün | Sağlamer | President | EWORA | Turkey |
Zehra | Sayers | Sabanci Uni. | Faculty member | Turkey |
Nicole | Schaeren-Wiemers | Uni. of Basel | Vice-Dean | Switzerland |
Sabina | Schaffner | Uni. of Zurich & ETH Zurich | Director | Switzerland |
Andrea | Schenker-Wicki | President | Uni. of Basel | Switzerland |
Sonia I. | Seneviratne | Prof.,Land-Climate Dynamics | ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
Gabriele | Siegert | Uni. of Zurich | Dep.President&Vice President | Switzerland |
Roxane | Soergel | Karlsruhe Institute of Tech. | Consultant for Diversity | Germany |
Sarah | Springman | ETH Zurich | Rector | Switzerland |
Bente Merete | Stallknecht | Uni. of Copenhagen | Prorector | Denmark |
Mariana | Ștefănescu | Politeh.Uni.of Bucharest | Dean | Romania |
Eliza | Stefanova | Sofia Uni.St.Kliment Ohridski | Vice-rector | Bulgaria |
Anna | Steiger | Technische Uni. Wien | Vice-Rector | Austria |
Sevil | Sumer | Uni. of Bergen | Associate Professor | Norway |
Marja | Sutela | Tampere Uni. | Vice President | Finland |
Katarzyna | Szczepańska-Woszczyna | WSB Uni. | Vice-Rector | Polska |
Hilal | Tekmen | CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality | Resource Mobil. Coord. | Netherlands |
Kerstin | Tham | Malmö Uni. | Vice-chancellor | Sverige |
Renata | Tomaskova | Uni. of Ostrava | Vice-Rector | Czech Republic |
Jovanka | Tuteska | Univ.St.Kliment Ohridski | Professor | R. Macedonia |
Christina | Ullenius | Karlstad Uni. | Former rector | Sweden |
Rik | Van de Walle | Rector | Ghent Uni. | Belgium |
Mieke | Van Herreweghe | Ghent Uni. | Vice-rector | Belgium |
Sara | van Leeuwen | ETH | Personnel develop.& lead. | Switzerland |
Karin | Vanderkerken | Vrije Uni. Brussel | Vice rector | Belgium |
Krista | Varantola | Former Rector | Tampere Uni. | Finland |
Nermin | Yeniköse | Başkent Uni. | Vice Rector | Turkey |
Inga | Žalėnienė | Mykolas Romeris Uni. | Rector | Lithuania |