EWORA is pleased to announce its project "Careers Beyond the Glass Ceiling:
European Women Rectors on the Map" (EWR-MAP) that was initiated in January 2022.
She Figures 2021 still reports that women remain underrepresented in senior leadership positions of higher education and research. This project aims to literally put Women Rectors on the map with the aim of raising the visibility of women in academia who cracked the glass ceiling in academia that is still a "gendered sphere".
The interactive world map is available here with including information (name, position, institution, country, picture, and bio) about active or former women rectors/presidents/vice-chancellors of academic institutions. It is making the portraits of women rectors "visible" as role models are key to gender equality and diversity. This database mainly includes women rectors of European Universities but will not be limited to this region only.
If you would like to be listed in this database, would you please kindly send us your "picture and biography including your title, position, and institution" by email to info@ewora.org ? Biographies should be between 500 - 750 words and written in the third person. Pictures should be in a high-resolution jpeg format (Min 500KB - Max 2MB).
All active/former rectors are eligible to submit their biographical data.
We also appreciate it if you help us by forwarding this email to relevant academics who are eligible/interested to be listed or sending their contact information to us. Also if there have been any women rectors in the history of your universities/countries we will be glad to receive your help in expanding our database.
Professor Dr. Inga Žalėnienė is the Rector of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), Vilnius – the largest social sciences university of Lithuania. She was inaugurated as a Rector on March, 2019 and became one of the first women ever elected as a Rector of public university in Lithuania at that time.
The Rector of Mykolas Romeris University is the sole governing body and head of the University, which together with the Council and the Senate takes care of fulfilment of the vision of an open, progressive, vibrant and cohesive academic community, a leader in the European Higher Education area. As the Rector of the dynamic and international university, prof. Dr. I. Žalėnienė is devoting her efforts to enhance the implementation of the mission of MRU to promote socially balanced progress of society based on innovative science, to develop independent, creative, responsible, committed to critical thinking and lifelong learning individuals, to open ways for each community member to personal and professional success.
Inga Žalėnienė is an alumna of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), where she finished her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Law. After graduation she joined the Department of Law at Lithuanian Savings Bank and worked as legal adviser. In parallel, she lectured the discipline of Family Law at Mykolas Romeris University and started her academic career as university lecturer at MRU. Inga Žalėnienė defended her doctoral thesis "Representation in Civil Procedure (Theoretical and Practical Aspects)" and obtained her PhD in Law, in 2006. She was appointed as Vice-Dean of Law Faculty of MRU in 2009 and was responsible for the development of research policy, formation and coordination of research groups, organization of scientific project activities, planning and accounting of scientific results. Inga Žalėnienė was appointed as Vice-Rector for Research in 2010, for Research and International Relations in 2012, then, in 2017 – as Vice-Rector for Education and Research, taking responsibility for development and supervision of the quality assurance system, development of priority research and innovation areas, provision of support for research groups and establishment of structures to reinforce them, she presided over the evaluation of University’ staff research activities, organized doctoral studies, engaged in the formation and development of the University’s publishing policy. Since Inga Žalėnienė took the position of Rector of MRU, the Law and Legal Studies of MRU was the first in Lithuania to receive a rank between 201-250 position the second year in turn according to „QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021“.
She completed traineeship courses in “Management and Leadership in Education” in Harvard Graduate School of Education, Massachusetts (United States) in 2013, accomplished senior executive programme “Leadership in Higher Education” in Oxford Academy for Education and Development, Oxford (United Kingdom) in 2013, and completed International Association of Universities program in “Leading Globally Engaged Universities,” Dublin (Ireland) in 2016.
Inga Žalėnienė is an Administrative Board Member at the International Association of Universities (IAU) since 2016, and a member of European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) since 2019 and a member of EWORA Board of Directors since 2019. She has published over 40 scientific publications and conference papers. Her research interests include civil procedure law, education law, higher education management, gender equality studies. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of research journals “Societal Studies” (since 2010) and “Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues” (since 2014).
EWORA MEMBERProfessor Chryssi Vitsilaki completed her Undergraduate Studies in Sociology at Trinity College, Hartford, Ct. and received an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology, of the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. She has been teaching at the Department of Preschool Education and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean since 1999. She has been responsible for designing, organizing and directing the Postgraduate program of the Department titled "Gender and New Educational and Work Environments in the Information Society", which is the only postgraduate program in Greece that has implemented e-learning and blended learning techniques from 2004 until 2014 and which was awarded by the European Commission with the “2009 Award for Quality in eLearning”. From 2014 onwards she has organized and directed the postgraduate program of the aforementioned Department titled "New Forms of Education and Learning". Her academic work focuses on gender issues and new forms of education with the use of technology, on which she has published 10 books and more than 50 articles. In addition, she has designed and implemented as Scientific Coordinator a great number of European and co-funded research programs as well as intervention programs on these issues, and has been a member of national and international committees for the evaluation of relevant projects and programs. She has held the positions of Dean of the School of Humanities (2004-2006), Vice-Rector of Finance and Development, and President of the Research Committee of the University of the Aegean (2006-2010), Chair of the Department of Preschool Education and Educational Planning (2014-2018) and is presently the Rector of the University of the Aegean (2018-2022).
Prof. Dr. Canan Aykut Bingol graduated from Bursa Anatholia High School in 1981 and Ankara Hacettepe University School of Medicine in 1987, she completed her Neurology
residency at Marmara University Department of Neurology in 1993, and she completed her Master’s degree in Neurophysiology. In 1995, she was accepted as a research assistant at Yale University, Department of Epilepsy. She became an associate Professor of Neurology in 1997 and a Professor of Neurology in 2003. She was a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology at Istanbul, Yeditepe University School of Medicine between 2005 and 2012. Meantime, she was Medical Director at Yeditepe
University Hospital between 2007 and 2012. She has been a chair of the board of trustees of Yeditepe University. She is currently the Rector of Yeditepe University since March
She received a ‘’Foreign Scholarship Award from the American Academy of Neurology’’ an International research scholarship from ‘’The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey’’ in 1995, and an encouragement award from the Turkish Brain Research Society in 1996. She has several publications in international journals, and her work on epilepsy has been published in the most significant international neurological journals, She has attended numerous congresses, meetings, and courses as an invited speaker.
Dr. Esra Gençtürk is a full professor and Rector at Özyeğin University. After graduating from Robert College (1977) in Turkey, she received her B.S. degree (1981) from University of Southern California, and earned her M.B.A. (1983) and Ph.D. in Marketing (1990) from University of Minnesota. Before joining Özyeğin University in 2009, Dr. Gençtürk was on the Marketing and International Business faculty of the University of Texas at Austin (1989-1996), and a faculty member of the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics at Koç University (1996-2009). In 2009, she joined Özyeğin University, where she served as Vice Rector from 2011 to 2014, and has been serving as Rector since 2014.
Dr. Gençtürk was the recipient of the University of Minnesota annual doctoral dissertation fellowship for 1986-1987, and was a fellow at the 1986 American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium. She was also the co-recipient of the 1987 Robert Lieberman Memorial Award for teaching excellence at the University of Minnesota. At the University of Texas, Dr. Gençtürk was a finalist in the 1990 Business Council Texas Excellence Teaching Award, and was nominated for several teaching awards including the Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship (Spring 1991, Spring 1990), College of Business Administration Foundation Teaching Award (Spring 1992, Spring 1991) as well as the Hank and Mary Harkins Foundation Award for Effective Teaching in Large Classes (Spring 1990, Spring 1993). Dr. Gençtürk has taught International Marketing, Marketing Research, and Marketing Strategy at both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as at Executive MBA and Executive Training programs.
Dr. Gençtürk’s research interests include management of intra and inter-organizational marketing exchanges as well as information/knowledge flows; global marketing strategy formulation and implementation; research design, and measurement considerations. She has published numerous papers at peer reviewed, major journals and conferences such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Management Studies, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Global Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, and Psychological Reports. Her article titled “International Marketing Involvement: The Construct, Dimensionality, and Measurement,” co-authored with R. Ruekert and T. Childers was selected by the Editorial Review Board of Journal of International Marketing to receive the 1995 Hans B. Thorelli Best Paper Award.
Dr. Gençtürk served as the President of the American Marketing Association Global Special Interest group from 2010-2011, and its Vice President of Communication between 2005-2010. She served on the editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of International Management, and Advances in International Marketing. She also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for AMA and AIB conferences as well as several professional journals including Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Marketing Review, and Review of Social Economics and Administrative Studies.
During Prof. Gençtürk’s tenure as Rector, Özyeğin University has been ranked first for 3 consecutive years (2017, 2018, 2019) in overall student satisfaction ranking of the Turkey University Satisfaction Survey conducted by the University Research Laboratory ÜniAr. Also, Prof. Dr. Gençtürk was recognized with the Gold award in 2018 and the Silver award in 2019 in the Rector's Outstanding Performance category of the same ranking.
Under her leadership, the university is to have 70% of its undergraduate programs accredited by 2022, exceeding the 2023 goals stated in the strategic plan. Similarly, with the establishment of sustainability as a cross-faculty, multidisciplinary action-oriented collective effort embracing all activities of the university, Özyeğin University has consistently been one of the top ranked higher education institutions at UI Greenmetric, placed first in 2015, 2019, 2020 and 2021, second in 2018 and third in 2016 and 2017 among Turkish foundation universities. Özyegin University was also recognized at THE University Impact Rankings as one of the two most successful foundation universities in Turkey in the overall ranking, one of the top 5 universities among all universities in Turkey, and first in Turkey as well as 70th Globally for “Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production” in its 2021 Rankings.
Prof.Dr. Funda Sivrikaya Serifoglu is the founding rector of Duzce University, Turkey (2007-2015), and the founding president of Duzce Technopark (2011-2015). She is
the founding president of several institutions and programs including Turkey chapter of the global International Women’s Forum (IWF), which is an invitation-only network of most accomplished woman leaders with over 8000 members in 33 countries.
She is the founding president of Turkey Leadership Improvement Program (TULIP), which is a social entrepreneurship initiative providing leadership programs and
mentor support for woman academicians from all disciplines and universities of Turkey. TULIP programs have been also conducted by her in Pakistan and Spain upon invitation.
She values ideas and projects where women support women, and as a concrete example she appointed a woman colleague first as a dean and then as the vice
rector during her term as the founding rector. She trained the woman academician three years to support her become a proficient candidate for rectorship, and also the
next rector of Duzce University. So far, this is the only case where rectorship is handed over from a woman academician to another one in Turkey.
Another social entrepreneurship project is an awareness program called Birr Journey, which she conducts with small or larger groups of people of any age over 18. She
has developed some subprograms within the Birr Journey umbrella, such as the short chats called Birr Break on important details in life and career.
She serves as a team leader in the Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey, where she leads evaluation teams in institutional evaluation and accreditation
programs. Currently, she also serves as the advisor to the President of the Board of Trustees at Istanbul Aydin University and to Eurasian Universities Union EURAS.
Prof.Dr. Funda Sivrikaya Serifoglu received her B.S. as a valedictorian and her Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Boğaziçi University, Turkey, and her M.S.degree in Engineering Economic Systems from Stanford University, USA. She has publications in international and national scientific journals, where she also served as
editor and reviewer.
Under her leadership Duzce University was ranked among the 50 most innovative and entrepreunerial universities of Turkey and was awarded the European
Entrepreunership Award in May 2011. The university was established with an innovative model to support sustainable development of the region via project
partnerships with stakeholders. Prof.Dr. Sivrikaya Serifoglu led various pioneering projects and programs including, but not limited to, strategic planning at province
level, education, woman leadership, accountability, endangered languages, social security, health, and disadvantaged people. She is actively involved in projects on
leadership, sustainable development, and (social) entrepreneurship.
She visited several European Union institutions as an invited guest by the European Parliament and the European Commision within the European Union Visitors
Programme (EUVP) in 2008. She was also invited to take part in the State Visitor Leadership Programme of the American Government in 2010.
Prof.Dr. Funda Sivrikaya Serifoglu has been awarded Women Who Make A Difference Award by International Women’s Forum in Boston in 2015, International Caucasian
Award by the International Caucasian Association in 2018, and The Special Award by the Women Who Shatter The Glass Ceiling Platform in 2018.
She is married and has a daughter and a son of ages 31 and 26, respectively. She strongly believes that if the world will be a better place, it will be accomplished by the
efforts of women who are natural leaders of transformation.
In 1989, she graduated from Hacettepe University with top honors. She received İhsan Doğramacı Outstanding Achievement Award and Student Science Incentive Award. She holds a parachute certificate and amateur pilot license from the Ministry of Transportation. In 1997, she took part in scientific studies on "Counseling Services for Couples Applying Assisted Reproductive Techniques" at Liverpool Women's Hospital Reproductive Medicine Unit in England by winning a British Council scholarship. In 1999, she received a Foreign Affair scholarship to the "Management and Leadership in Nursing" training program organized by Hebrew University and Kaplan School of Nursing in Rehovet, Israel and received an "International Management and Leadership" certificate. In 2006, she worked as a research scholar at Kent State University in Ohio, USA. In 2007, she won a research scholarship supported by INDEN (International Doctoral Education in Nursing) and Sigma Theta Tau and awarded to only three people in the world and participated in the fellowship program on "Creating a Model for the Development of Leadership Skills in Doctoral Students" at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and developed a leadership model.
Between 1990-2016, he worked as a Research Assistant, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at Hacettepe University. Prof. Terzioğlu has undertaken many administrative duties and has been involved in the establishment of associations and centers. She served as the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Deputy Head of the Department, Head of the Strategic Planning Commission, Erasmus and ECTS Department Coordinator, Board Member of the Women's Problems Research and Application Center, Deputy Director of the Lymph Edema Management Center, and consultant for the establishment of the Child Development Center. She was the founding Dean, senate member and board member of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, Director of Nursing Services, Quality Commission member and Board Member of Hacettepe University Hospitals. Between 2016 and 2018, she was the Founding Dean of Istinye University Faculty of Health Sciences and Director of Nursing Services at MLPCare, which includes 29 hospitals (MedicalPark, VM Medical Park and Liv Hospitals) in 17 different provinces across Turkey. At the same time, she served as a member of the legislation commission, education and curriculum commission at Istinye University. Between 2018-2021, she was the founding Dean of Atılım University Faculty of Health Sciences, a member of the University's Board of Directors and Senate Board, a member of the Health Sciences Scientific Research Ethics Committee, a member of the University Internationalization Commission and a member of the Quality Board.
Between 2021-2023 (February) at Kocaeli Health and Technology University; She carried out administrative duties such as Vice Rector, Director of Graduate Education Institute, Head of Nursing Department and Chairman of the Legislation Commission, Member of the Ethics Committee, Chairman of the International Cooperation Board, Chairman of the Anti-Addiction Commission, etc.
Since 2020, she has been the Turkey Representative on the Board of Directors of the European Nurse Executives Association (ENDA). Prof. Terzioğlu has more than 160 articles published in national and international indexed journals, 29 national and international projects (such as TUBITAK, European Union, Sigma Theta Tau, INDEN, etc.), editor or chapter author in 18 national scientific books, chapter author in 3 international books, more than 260 papers and invited speeches presented at national and international congresses, and more than 30 master's and doctoral thesis supervisions. Google scholar: i-10 index:31; h index:15. Her research interests include simulation, management and leadership in health services, workload analysis, manpower planning, women's empowerment and development of leadership skills, women's health, women's empowerment, reproductive health and sexual health, health services management, information systems and innovation. She is married with two children.
Former Rector, Istanbul Technical University, 1996-2004. saglamer@ewora.org
Prof. Dr. Gulsun Saglamer, Former Rector of Istanbul Technical University (1996-2004) is a professor of architecture at Istanbul Technical University. She graduated from Istanbul Technical University with a Master of Architecture degree in 1967 and received her PhD from the same university in 1973. She became Associate Professor in 1977, Full Professor in 1987 at ITU. She taught Architectural Design, Computer Aided Architectural Design, Logic Model of Design, Architectural Design Methods and Theories at ITU since 1973 until she retired in 2012.
She carried out her post-doctoral studies at the Martin Centre, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, UK 1975-1976. She was a member of the Scientific Committee of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) INTAG between 1990 and 1996. Prof Sağlamer was invited to Queen's University of Belfast as a Visiting Professor between 1993 and 1996 and was also invited to be an external examiner at the same university for four years between 1999 and 2003. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of “Open House International”, “International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications”.
She was a Board Member of EUA (European University Association) (2005-2009) and a member of the Steering Committee of the EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP)
Prof. Dr. Sezer Şener Komsuoğlu, born in Trabzon in 1949, is a Medical Doctor. Her speciality is Neurology.
She completed her education at Atatürk, Ankara and Hacettepe Universities in Turkey.
Dr. Komsuoğlu conducted studies on Neurophysiology for three and half years at the University of Birmingham and Aston University in England.
She took part in the establishment process of Karadeniz Technical University and Kocaeli University in Turkey.
Dr. Komsuoğlu has over 250 scientific publications in the field of Neurological Sciences at national and international level.
She is the author of the first EEG atlas in Turkey and has 6 books in the field of Neurology. At the same time, she carries out social studies on women and women's leadership in academy.
Between 2006 and 2014, Dr. Komsuoğlu served as the Rector of Kocaeli University 2 terms, for 8 years. Regarding the restructuring of the university, which lost all its physical places at the 1999 earthquake, she maintained, intensively within a project, the work initiated in the period of Prof. Dr. Baki Komsuoğlu, the former Rector. When she completed her duty in 2014, the university was to continue its successful academic life with approximately 80 thousand students in new builded Umuttepe Campus.
Dr. Komsuoğlu is the chief advisor to the President of the Council of Higher Education. Besides, she runs the Unit on Women's Studies in the Academy in higher education.
Dr. Komsuoğlu is one of the 19 elected members of the Research and Innovation Policy Committee of the European Universities Association (EUA), and she has been carrying out this position for five years. She attempts to ensure coordination between Turkish Higher Education and Brussels and to coordinate the projects.
She was chosen as one of the three women scientists from Turkey to be cited in the Woman Scientist book, published by Oxford University in 2015. The Science and Service Award of the Turkish Neurological Society was conferred on her in 2021.
Dr. Sezer Komsuoğlu is married with Prof. Dr. Baki Komsuoğlu's, and she is the mother of Prof. Dr. Ayşegül K. Çıtıpıtıoğlu and Prof. Dr. Feride İpek K. Çelikyurt.
Prof.Dr. Şirin Karadeniz is the President of Bahçeşehir University (BAU) since July 2019. She is also the vice-chairman of International Training Center for Authorities and Leaders, CIFAL Istanbul, an affiliated center of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In her prior roles, she has served as Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences at BAU, chairman of Innovative Education & Research Center, and chairman of Center for Teaching & Learning. She has also served on the boards of Turkish Industry & Business Association, Association of the Future of Education and Foundation of Bahçeşehir Uğur Educational Institutions.
Prof. Karadeniz is an educational technologist. She has earned her bachelor’s degree in Computer System Education, master’s degree in Computer Education and Ph.D. in Educational Technology. Prof. Karadeniz has published books and articles and conducted classes and seminars on the integration of emerging technologies into education, learning designs for 21stcentury competencies and STEM education.
Prof. Karadeniz has led projects on developing computer science education frameworks and curricula for Bahçeşehir Uğur Education Institutions. She has also served as Academic Commission Member to develop Computer Science and Software curricula for primary, secondary and high schools for the Ministry of National Education of Turkey in 2016-2017. She has served as the head of Research & Development of Harezmi Educational Model of Istanbul Directorate of National Education since 2016. She headed the coding and robotics training project for disadvantage children planned with the cooperation of Bahçeşehir College & Garanti Bank. In light of her efforts and dedication to developing the quality of and increasing inclusion in education, she was awarded as the Woman Educator of the year in Women’s Leaders of Technology prize organized by Microsoft and The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey in 2016, and BAU Social Benefit Award in 2018.
Prof. Karadeniz has served as a consultant, researcher, and leader of national and international projects for Scientific Research Council of Turkey, Ministry of National Education, UNICEF, World Bank and European Union. She is also a board member of the Turkish Basketball Federation.
Prof. Sirin Tekinay has held posts of academic administration as Dean of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vice President for Research and Development, and Rector. She joined EWORA as the Rector of Isik University in Istanbul, Turkey, 2015-2017. Prior to her tenure in Istanbul, Turkey, and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates the last decade, she lived in the United States where she served as Program Director at the US National Science Foundation; she was tenured faculty at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Director of NJ Center for Wireless Telecommunications. In addition to her core area of research and teaching wireless communication networks and related areas, she has been working in and teaching different aspects of Higher Education and Engineering Education, such as diversity, multi-disciplinarity, professional identity, technology based learning platforms, and most recently, virtualization. She is the elected 2018-2022 Chair of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) and a Board Member of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). Before starting her academic career, she was a researcher at Bell Laboratories. Prof. Tekinay holds the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from George Mason University, Virginia, and the MS and BS degrees in Electrical-Electronics Engineering from Bogazici University, and high school diploma from Robert College, Istanbul.
Prof. Sondan Durukanoğlu Feyiz graduated from the Physics Department of Istanbul University’s Faculty of Sciences in 1989. She completed her Master’s in Physics at the University of Wisconsin (1992), and her Ph.D. at the Physics department of Kansas State University (1999). During her doctoral studies, Feyiz served as a teaching assistant at Kansas State University from 1994 to 1997, as a research assistant at the same university from 1997 to 1999, and as a postdoctoral researcher during 1999 and 2000. From 2000, she continued her academic career as an assistant professor at Istanbul Technical University, becoming an associate professor there in 2006, and in 2011 she became a full professor at Sabancı University. Between 2010 and 2018, she served as the Vice Rector of Sabancı University responsible for Education, International Relations, Individual and Academic Support and Summer Schools. She was then appointed as the Rector of Kadir Has University in 2018.
Durukanoğlu Feyiz has held numerous positions such as Member of the Senate Accreditation Committee of Istanbul Technical University (2002-2006); Visiting Scientist at Kansas State University (Summer 2002); Associate Editor in Chief of Istanbul Technical University Bulletin (2002-2007); Visiting Assoc. Prof. of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2007-2009); Senior Researcher at Feza Gürsey Institute (2007-2009) and, co-translator of Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths (2010). She served as an Executive Board Member of the Nanotechnology Research and Application Center at Sabancı University (2014-2016), as the Chair of the Quality Assurance and Strategy Committee of Sabancı University (2015-2018).
Durukanoğlu Feyiz, who was the only female in 1991 to receive the Ministry of Education scholarship to study abroad in the field of physics (1991-1995), was also a recipient of the TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Research Fellow Support Funding (BİDEP scholarship) and received the TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) Coursebook Translation Award (2010).
Obstetrics&Gynecology - Perinatology Istanbul, Turkey Academic Hospital, Chair of the Board Istanbul Kent University
Founding President World Academy of Science and Arts, Member (2009-…), Member of Board of Trustees (2009-2011), World Association of Perinatology, International Board Member (2005-2009), International Academy of Perinatal Medicine, Regular Member (2007-…),Fetus as a Patient Society, International Board Member (2006-…),Turkish Businesswomen Association (TİKAD), Vice President, International Academy of Human Reproduction, Member (2021-...), Leader of the Class of Foreign Members of International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia Herzegovia (2021-...)
Zehra Nese KAVAK, MD., Prof. Obstetrics&Gynecology - Perinatology Istanbul, Turkey Academic Hospital, Chair of the Board Istanbul Kent University Founding President World Academy of Science and Arts, Member (2009-…), Member of Board of Trustees (2009-2011), World Association of Perinatology, International Board Member (2005-2009), International Academy of Perinatal Medicine, Regular Member (2007-…),Fetus as a Patient Society, International Board Member (2006-…),Turkish Businesswomen Association (TİKAD), Vice President, International Academy of Human Reproduction, Member (2021-...), Leader of the Class of Foreign Members of International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia Herzegovia (2021-...) Prof. MD. Zehra Nese KAVAK graduated from Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine in 1986. During 1990 and 1991, she worked at St. Thomas’s Hospital / London, England towards her specialty training. She became an Associate Professor at Marmara University, School of Medicine in 1996. She worked at King’s College Hospital/London on Perinatology intermittently between 2000 and 2001. She acquired her Fetal Medicine Diploma at King’s College Hospital, London (2004). In 2001 she founded Perinatology Unit at Marmara University School of Medicine Hospital. The same year she became a professor and was appointed as the Head Physician of the Hospital.
Between 2001 and 2005 she served as the Head Physician at Marmara University Hospital. In 2002, she was elected as the Chair of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Marmara University School of Medicine and served in this assignment for two terms. She continued to serve as the Chair of the Perinatology Department from 2001 to 2011. Prof. Kavak has 70 articles published in international refereed journals, 83 articles in national refereed journals, 153 articles in total and 1331 citations made to these publications, 11 assistant’s dissertation theses completed under her guidance and has 120 papers/presentations given in national and international scientific meetings and published in proceedings. She has been invited to speak at 112 international meetings in various countries around the world, additionally Prof. Kavak has 23 post-specialty overseas education certificates on Perinatology. She also holds seats on the editorial boards of numerous national and international scientific journals. She was elected as a member of the World Academy of Arts and Science, founded by Einstein and Oppenheimer in 2004, and in 2009, she was elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of the same academy. She is the first Turkish person elected to these positions. With her extensive works in Perinatology, Prof. Kavak is elected to the Board of World Association of Perinatology in September 2005. In October 2007, she was elected as a Member of the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine. She is a Board Member of Fetus as a Patient Society (2006). Focusing her main field of research on the use of 3D-4D ultrasonography and invasive procedures during pregnancy, Prof. Kavak has co-authored 13 international titles, 8 of which are in English, 3 in Spanish and 1 in Turkish and has also published 2 books in English and Spanish and 1 in Turkish. In 2007, she was invited to teach as an adjunct professor at Cornell University in New York City and gave a lesson as a Lecturer Professor. On September 15, 2017 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, assigned Prof. M.D. Zehra Neşe Kavak to the Founding Rectorate of Istanbul Kent University.
Prof Kavak has numerous awards such as; Health Award of the year (2002), 2006 Award of Excellence of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 2006 Melvin Jones Award, 2007 Election of Honorary Member to Romanian Perinatology Society , 100 pioneer woman in Turkey award (2008), 2008 Excellence Award in Medicine, 2008 Excellence Award in Medicine by Lyons Clubs, 2013 Woman Scientist of the Year Award by Chamber of Commerce, 2013 Honorary Award by Istanbul Lyons Clubs and Samsun Chamber of Commerce, 2015 Woman Scientist of the Year Istanbul , 2016 Best Hospital and Best Hospital Manager Awards in London, 2017 European Quality Award in Switzerland 2017 Social Awareness Honor Award in Istanbul, 2017 Woman Super Achiever Award at 4th World Women Leadership Congress and Summit in India, 2017 Public Service Architecture and Public Service Interior Awards in London, 2018 Best Quality Leadership Award USA , 2019 Bravest Woman of the Year Award in Istanbul, 2019 Jury Special Award, TUMBIFED (All Bureaucrats and Businessmen Federation), 2019 Top 10 women of Turkey Award , 2019 Most Successful International Management of the Year Award in Cyprus.
Hanne Leth Andersen, Professor, Rector at Roskilde University, Denmark
Hanne Leth Andersen took office as Rector in 2014 after three years as vice rector, responsible for education. She holds a PhD in French Language (1997) and an MA in Romance Philology (1990), both from the University of Copenhagen.
From 1997 to 2010, she served at the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University, among other positions as associate dean and professor of university pedagogy where she developed teacher-training programs, teaching portfolio for all academic staff, and courses for all students, e.g. in written and oral communication. After that, she came to Copenhagen Business School (CBS) as a professor and director of the CBS Learning Lab, to focus on the development of teacher training, management education, quality work, and internationalization.
Hanne Leth Andersen has substantial experience in executive management and international consultancy. She chairs the educational committee of the Danish Rectors’ Conference, and she is a member of various trusts and executive boards in Denmark. Hanne has several memberships of international councils and committees such as the International Advisory Board for the Research Council of Norway and the expert evaluation panel for The Academy of Finland for Competitive funding to strengthen universities' research profiles. She has served as President of the international expert committee for the French Government’s investment program on University Program Development, Nouveaux Cursus à l’Université. She has international experience as an expert in Quality Assurance and Quality Development, as an expert for the Norwegian Quality Assurance Agency, NOKUT, and for the European University Association, EUA, and as member of the Danish Accreditation Council.
Her primary research areas are education research, foreign language didactics and university pedagogy, and she works particularly with development of teaching forms, exam forms, evaluation, teacher cognition, language learning and the importance of foreign languages in education and in relation to quality of education. She is an author of more than 120 scientific articles in Danish and international journals and several monographs.
In 2021, she has received the Legion of Honor (l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur), the highest civilian honor in France and in 2015 she received the title of Commander of the Order of Academic Palms (l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques) the highest honor awarded to an academic in France. In addition, she is Knight of the Danish Dannebrog Order. In 2005, Aarhus University Awarded her its Price for Excellent and Innovative Teaching.
At the public level, she is currently one of the most active and cited university presidents in Denmark, and she frequently participates in debates and public round tables. She gives lectures and presentations to diverse audiences about university and teaching development, teacher and student motivation, and education quality. She is a frequent member of ministry Councils, such as in the committee for a new Danish grading scale for all educational levels, and she headed the committee for a Danish National Language Strategy for the Danish Minister of Education.
EWORA MEMBERAndrea graduated as a veterinary surgeon from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and after a short time in veterinary practice, embarked on an academic career which led to her appointment as a lecturer in Veterinary Pharmacology at the University of Glasgow, and ultimately, Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology. She became Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1999, Vice Principal for Learning & Teaching in 2004 and thereafter, Senior Vice Principal & Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Glasgow before taking up the role of Principal and Vice Chancellor at Edinburgh Napier University in 2013.
In her academic career, Andrea established herself as a research leader in the field of animal pain, its recognition and management. She has published widely and has received awards for her work including the Pfizer Academic Award for Animal Health Research, the Amoroso Award from the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare Companion Animal Award for contributions to animal welfare. She has contributed to educational development in animal pain management and welfare over many years including as a member of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association's Global Pain Council.
Andrea has contributed to the development of policy and strategy in Higher Education through work on a range of committees including for example the Scottish Funding Council Research and Knowledge Exchange committee, and the Scottish Science Advisory Committee and convenorship of the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee. She held the Convenorship of Universities Scotland and Board membership of Universities UK between 2016 and 2020.
She currently chairs the Universities Scotland International committee and the Interface Strategic Board and is a Board member of the Moredun Foundation. She is a Trustee of the Carnegie Trust for Universities of Scotland and the Medical Research Scotland - Scottish Hospital Endowment Research Trust and, most recently, was elected as the Vice President Life Sciences for the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland’s national academy. She was appointed as a member of the Board of Trinity College Dublin in 2020.
Andrea is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Societies and an honorary life member of the Association for Veterinary Teachers & Research Workers. She was awarded an honorary OBE in 2014 for services to Higher Education and Veterinary Science.
Professor Julie Sanders is Principal (Rector equivalent) of Royal Holloway, University of London. She joined Royal Holloway in October 2022, having previously been Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost at Newcastle University, also in the UK. Before that she was at the University of Nottingham where she held positions as Head of the School of English (2010-13) and as Vice-Provost (2013-15) of their China campus in Ningbo. Julie studied for her BA at the University of Cambridge and her Masters and PhD at the University of Warwick. She also enjoyed time as a visiting student at Ca’Foscari in Venice and University of California Berkeley. She is a Chair in English Literature and Drama and remains an active researcher with current projects with both Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press. She has held grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Leverhulme Trust and the British Academy as well as the Korean Research Council. Her monograph The Cultural Geography of Early Modern English Drama, 1620-1650 (Cambridge University Press, 2011) was the recipient of the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay prise for international women’s scholarship in 2012 and her book on Adaptation and Appropriation for Routledge has been published in several editions and translated into Arabic, Korean and Japanese. She has held visiting fellowships in Canada, the USA and Australia, was a serving member for panels for the Australian Research Council (2019-20) and has undertaken research reviews for universities in Sweden, Ireland, and the UK.
Julie is currently a trustee of two major cultural venues in the UK, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London and the Shakespeare North Playhouse near Liverpool. She serves on the Universities UK
Climate Action Steering Group and is also chair of the Common Purpose UK Advisory Group having completed their Global Leadership programme in 2018. She is a Global Ambassador for the Magna Charta Observatory’s Living Values project and is currently working with University of Greenland senior team on their values-led work and strategy development.
Professor Pamela Gillies CBE, FRSE has been Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University since 2006, having previously served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Nottingham. A public health epidemiologist by training, she has been seconded to the World Health Organisation’s Global Programme on AIDS in Geneva (1989-90); been a Visiting Scholar in Residence at Cabot House, Radcliffe College, Harvard in Health and Human Rights (1992-3) and was seconded as the first Executive Director of Research at the Health Education Authority for England in London (1996-99).
She is a Founding Member of the Global Advisory Council for the African Leadership University; Trustee of the National University of Science and Technology in Muscat, Oman and a Founding Board member of the Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is also President of Glasgow Caledonian New York College (GCNYC) and a member of the Board of Trustees. She was a member of the Board of Trustees of the British Council from 2008 to 2014 and a Founding Board Member of the RFK Human Rights UK Board (2018-2020). She has also served on the Boards of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise, Grameen Scotland Foundation, STV, CBI, Saltire Foundation, Scottish Council for Excellence in Social Work and the Carnegie Trust.
She has served as Chair of the European Commission Working Group on Human Rights, HIV/AIDS and Discrimination, Chair of the Glasgow Health Commission and Chair of UK Ministerial task forces on welfare and on unintended teenage conceptions. She is currently the Lead Member for Universities Scotland on the Student Mental Health Group and on the Student Misconduct Guidelines Review Group.
She was awarded the honour of CBE for services to education and public health in December 2012; an Abbott Fellowship for Aids Research (1988) and a Harkness Fellowship of the Commonwealth Fund of New York at the Harvard School of Public Health (1992-92) and more recently awarded Social Mobility Champion of the Year in 2019. Pamela was elected a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians of London in 2002; a Fellow of the Academy for Social Sciences in 2005; an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow in 2007 and became a Fellow of the Scottish Academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2015. She holds an Honorary Professorship with the University of Jinan and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Aberdeen.
She is the founding patron of a school for children of sex workers in Domjur, Kolkata and has researched and written widely on HIV/AIDS, health development, and inequalities in health focusing on the potential of social action for health.
She is a keen associate member of the Scottish Lawn Tennis Association and a member of Glamis Castle Musicale, Glyndebourne Opera, the Royal Horticultural Society and the National Trust.
Professor Sally Mapstone has been Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews since 2016. In this role Professor Mapstone directs the University’s Strategy and is responsible for the University’s operations. During her tenure the University was in 2021 ranked first in the UK in the Times and Sunday Times Complete University Guide – the only time in 30 years that a university other than Oxford or Cambridge has achieved this ranking. Sally is also currently Vice-Convener of Universities Scotland and a board member of Universities UK, the two major sector representative bodies for Scotland and the wider UK in higher education. She is also a trustee of UCAS and of the Europaeum, Vice-Chair of the Board of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Education Policy Institute, and President of the Saltire Society.
Professor Mapstone graduated from Wadham College at the University of Oxford with first-class honours in English Language and Literature in 1978. She then worked as an editor at the Weidenfeld and Nicolson publishing house in London. Sally returned to Oxford and attained her DPhil in 1986 for a thesis on the advice to princes tradition in Older Scots Literature.
In 1984, Sally was appointed Randall MacIver Junior Research Fellow at St Hilda’s College, Oxford. She was later appointed a Tutorial Fellow of St Hilda’s and a University Lecturer in Medieval English Language and Literature. She was appointed Reader in 2006, and Professor of Older Scots Literature in 2013.
Professor Mapstone is a medievalist with expertise in medieval and Renaissance Scottish literature. Several of her writings concern the identification of unrecognised textual witnesses to Older Scots texts, and she has written also on Chaucer, Malory, and Shakespeare. Professor Mapstone's first book, Scots and their books in the Middle-Ages and Renaissance, was published by Oxford University Press in 1996. She has edited, co-edited, or co-authored six further books, including Older Scots Literature and William Dunbar, 'the nobill poyet.’ In 2017, a Festschrift in her honour, Premodern Scotland: Literature and Governance 1420-1587, edited by Joanna Martin and Emily Wingfield, two of her many former graduate students, was published by Oxford University Press.
Professor Mapstone has partnered her academic responsibilities with leadership and community roles. She served as Junior Proctor of the University of Oxford in the 2006 to 2007 academic year, and Chair of the English Faculty Board from 2007 to 2010.
As a lifelong advocate for diversity and inclusion, Professor Mapstone was involved in the founding of Oxford’s first women’s consciousness-raising groups, served as the National Union of Journalists trade union representative at Weidenfeld and Nicolson, and spent much of her Oxford career at St Hilda’s, Oxford’s last women’s only college. Professor Mapstone was appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Personnel and Equality in 2009, and she founded the Women of Achievement lecture programme and a mentoring programme to equip women to assume senior academic positions entitled Ad Feminam.
Professor Mapstone served as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education at the University of Oxford from 2011 to 2016. In that role, she assumed responsibility for Oxford's teaching and education policies and led the creation of the University of Oxford’s Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2018.
Her research distinction and leadership in higher education have been recognised through several positions and awards, including Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Emeritus Fellowship of St Hilda's College, Oxford, and Honorary Fellowships of Wadham and St Cross Colleges, Oxford; Fellowship of the English Association and Honorary Fellowship of the Association for Scottish Literary Studies; an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Aberdeen; a silver medal from the University of Helsinki, whose international advisory board she chaired from 2015 to 2021; and a medal from the Foreign Policy Association of America for her leadership in international higher education.
Born in 1959 Andrea Schenker-Wicki holds a master degree in Food Engineering from ETH Zurich and a master degree in Business Administration from the University of Zurich. In 1990 she obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Freiburg in the field of Operations Research and Information Technology. She habilitated in 1996 at the University of St. Gallen with a thesis about the measurement of academic performance.
From 1990 to 1997 Andrea Schenker-Wicki worked at the National Emergency Operations Centre in Zurich, as a research associate and from 1993 on she also became its Head of the information office. For the subsequent four years, she led the section for higher education at the Federal Office of Education and Science (today: State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation).
From 2001 to 2015 she held a full professorship in Business Administration at the University of Zurich and acted as the Director of the Executive MBA as well as the CAS program “Essentials of management”. In addition, she was Vice President for Law and Economics at the University of Zurich between 2012 and 2014. On August 1, 2015, she became President of the University of Basel.
Andrea Schenker-Wicki has joined, among others, the Council of the Zürcher Fachhochschule (ZFH). Furthermore, she was part of the Austria Science Board (2010–2016) and the German Accreditation Council and presided over the Scientific Advisory Board of the Swiss Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (OAQ) from 2007 to 2012. From 2012 to 2015, she was a member of the Swiss Science and Innovation Council. In 2013 the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna awarded her an honorary doctoral degree.
Andrea Schenker-Wicki has been President of the University of Basel since 1 August 2015. She was elected for a further four years on 27 September 2018; her second term of office runs until 31 July 2023.
Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral is a Full Professor in Materials Science and Engineering and in Physics at EPFL and from January 2025, the President of EPFL. From 2021 to 2024 she was the associate Vicepresident for Centers and Platforms. She is member of the EPFL-WISH foundation and former president, foundation whose goal is to support female students on accomplishing their professional dreams. She has been part of the Swiss National Quantum Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. She has served as Research Councillor of Division IV of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) from 2015 to 2024. From August 2020 till April 2024 she has the President of the Specialised Committee for International Cooperation at SNSF. Anna studied physics at the University of Barcelona. She then moved to Paris where she obtained a PhD in Materials Science from Ecole Polytehcnique (France). She performed a postdoc at CalTech with Prof. Harry Atwater, with whom she also co-founded the start-up company Aonex Technologies. After a brief period as CNRS researcher at Ecole Polytechnique, she moved to TU Munich as a group leader. She has been professor at EPFL since 2008. Among the awards she has received are the Marie Curie Excellence Grant, ERC Starting Grant, the SNSF-backup schemes Consolidator Grant, the EPS Emy Noether prize and the FEDEPE prize in the international category.
Astrid Epiney has been Professor of International Law, European Law and Swiss Public Law at the University of Fribourg and Executive Director of the Institute for European Law since 1994.
After serving as both Dean and Vice-Rector, she has been Rector of the University of Fribourg since March 2015.
In addition to her teaching and research, Astrid Epiney has always involved herself in the work of national academic and university committees, including the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation and as President of the Swiss Science and Innovation Council. She has been a member of the Board of Swissuniversities since 2017 and Vice- President since 2020.
Prof. Velizara Ivanova Pencheva, PhD was born in the town of Oryahovo, Bulgaria on November 1, 1956. She is married with one daughter.
Prof. Pencheva finished high school with a profile in mathematics in Vratza, Bulgaria. From 1974 to 1979 she studied at the University of Ruse and graduated with a master's degree in Road Transport, Tractors and Fork-lifts, job-related skills: Mechanical Engineering and Transport. From March 1979 to December 1980 Prof. Pencheva specialized in Applied Mathematics at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2001 she defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of Transport and Logistics.
In 1980 Velizara Pencheva started working as an Assistant Professor at University of Ruse. In 2002 she was elected Associate Professor and in 2012 Professor at the University of Ruse.
Prof. Pencheva is a leading lecturer in Transport Systems, Technology and Logistics, Transport Policy, Interaction of Types of Transport, Forwarding, presented to students trained in transport degree programmes.
In her academic career, Prof. Pencheva has also performed administrative activities related to the management of the University of Ruse: Vice Dean of the Faculty for Foreign Students (1985-1988); Head of the Department of Transport (2005-2008); Director of the University Directorate for the Quality of Education (2008-2014); Vice rector (2014-2016); RECTOR (2016-2018); Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse (2018 to present).
In the period 2010-2014 Prof. Pencheva was a Member of the Accreditation Council of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) with the Council of Ministers, Bulgaria and was supervising the work of the Permanent Commission on Technical and Military Sciences. From 2014 to 2016 she was a Member of the Permanent Commission of Post Accreditation Monitoring and control in NEAA.
In 2016-2018 Prof. Pencheva was a Member of the Board of Directors at the Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre (BRIE)
Prof. Pencheva has won a number of awards and prizes: Bearer of Ruse, Bulgaria Award for lifelong contribution and activity in the field of Education and science – 2012; Plaque of the Governor of Ruse for lifelong contribution to higher education and science; Bearer of the Golden badge of the University of Ruse; Honorary Citizen of Vidin, Bulgaria /2019/ for her contribution to the development of higher education in Vidin and the region.
Prof. Pencheva participates in a number of municipal, regional and national commissions related to the organization and management of transport, education management, and regional development.
Prof. Pencheva is the author and co-author of more than 140 publications and study books in the field of transport and logistics. She is a project coordinator for the University of Ruse and а Member of more than 25 projects. Since 2019, Prof. Pencheva is the Head of the Research laboratory "Low Carbon Energy and Intelligent Transport Systems" at the University of Ruse. She also heads a scientific team that has developed the first demonstration project of a vessel powered by solar energy and hydrogen fuel cell (2021). Prof. Pencheva is the supervisor of 10 doctoral students and 7 postdoctoral ones. Their scientific works are in the field of management and organization of road transport.
Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, born 1961, studied political science, sociology, psychology and religious studies as well as the interdisciplinary supplementary course "Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences" at the Free University of Berlin. She did her doctorate in 1995 at the Free University of Berlin and completed her habilitation in 2004 at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University. After visiting professorships and interim professorships at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig and the Georg-August University in Göttingen, she has been Professor of General Sociology at Paderborn University since 2009. She has been President of Paderborn University since April 2018.
Research Priorities
Social, justice and state theories, inequality, work and organizational sociology, science and university research, theories and methodologies of women and gender studies
Sari Lindblom is Rector of the University of Helsinki. Sari Lindblom is a licensed psychologist and Professor of Higher Education (i.e., University Pedagogy). During the years 2017-2020 she worked as Vice-Rector of the University of Helsinki responsible for teaching and learning, digitalisation and quality. Before entering the rectorate of the University, she was the Director of Helsinki University Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE). She is Past President of EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) and WERA (World Education Research Association).
Sari Lindblom has been actively involved in many international research projects. Her research focuses on student learning and teaching at university, for example, on approaches to learning and teaching, procrastination, self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs, student wellbeing, motivation to studying, assessment practices and quality enhancement in higher education. Her publishing name is Lindblom-Ylänne.
Prof. Jana Mojžišová, DVM, PhD, Dr. h. c. Rector
Date and place of birth: 6. 4. 1963,
Košice Education and professional advancement:
1977 – 1981 Grammar school, Šmeralova 9, Košice
1981 – 1986 Veterinary College in Košice (DVM)
1997 dissertation thesis (PhD)
2000 Independent Scientific Worker - scientific qualification degree IIa acknowledged by the Slovak Academy of Sciences 2003 habilitation thesis in the field of infectious and parasitic animal diseases (Associate Professor)
2007 inaugurated as Professor, area of specialisation - infectious and parasitic animal diseases
2017 Doctor honoris causa given by Ukrainian scientific-educational Consortium
2018 Doctor honoris causa given by Scientific Board of National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine Work experience:
1987 – present University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice
She worked as a researcher at the Department of Infectology and Tropical Veterinary Medicine since 1987.
Since 1994 she has been teaching at the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, where she has supervised 34 diploma theses in Slovak and English to date. She is a tutor to 5 PhD students.
She is a guarantor of the subject Infectious Diseases of Dogs in the study programme Cynology, and the subject Infectious Diseases – Zoonoses in the study programme Man-Animal Relationship and its Use in Canistherapy and Hippotherapy. In the study programme General Veterinary Medicine she guarantees the subjects Epizootiology, Infectious Diseases of Small Animals and Contagious Animal Diseases, the last of which she also guarantees in the study programme Food Hygiene.
She is a guarantor of the subjects Epizootiology, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Contagious Diseases and Infectious Diseases of Small Animals, which are taught as part of foreign study within the study programme General Veterinary Medicine. She also guarantees the subjects Introduction into Veterinary Epizootiology and Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Sanitation and Public Health in a joint bachelor study programme in Animal Science. She is the Chair of the Commission for Defence of Dissertation Theses in the study branch 6.3.7 Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases and a member of the Commission for Defence of Dissertation Theses in the study branch 4.2.7 Microbiology. 2007 – 2011 and 2011 – 2015 Vice-Rector for Education and Study Affairs 2015 – Present Rector of UVMP in Košice
Scientific and research work and international cooperation:
Her scientific and research work is focused on viral animal diseases and their diagnostics, prevention and suppression as well as viral animal diseases connected with impaired immunocompetence and possibilities of their therapy and prophylaxis. She has participated in several projects both as the principal investigator (5 research projects, 4 projects VEGA) and a co-investigator (20 projects). She has done internships in the Czech Republic (1997), Poland (1997) and Spain (Valencia, 2004).
Publication activity:
She has written 6 scientific monographs and one chapter in a foreign scientific monograph, 33 university textbooks, 60 articles in international and Slovak scientific journals, 5 scientific publications in foreign and 16 in Slovak peer-reviewed proceedings and monographs. She has over 140 citations WoS and SCOPUS databases.
Membership in Boards and Societies:
She is the Chair of the Scientific Board of UVMP in Košice and a member of scientific boards at several universities – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic. She is a member of the Czech and Slovak Immunological Society and the Slovak Parasitological Society. From 2012 to 2014 she was the Secretary General of VetNest (Veterinary Network of European Student and Staff Transfer). She is the Secretary General of the Association of Carpathian Region Universities (2011 – present). From 2017 to 2019, she was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). Since 2020, she has been a member of The European Coordination Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) on behalf of EAEVE. She is the Chairperson of the Editorial Board of Folia Veterinaria, the scientific journal of UVMP in Košice; an editorial board member of Acta Veterinaria Brno, the scientific journal of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno; an editorial board member of Vetžurnál, the journal of the Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Slovak Republic and an editorial board member of Lekárnik, a professional and informative monthly for pharmacists.
Agneta Marell
President, Jönköping University
Born in 1964, Agneta Marell is Professor of Business Administration at Umeå University and is President of Jönköping University since 2017. Agneta Marell was a member of the Foundation Board at Jönköping University, appointed by the Swedish Government, from 1 May 2016 until she took the position as President of Jönköping University in 2017. Before coming to Jönköping, she was Deputy vice Chancellor with a focus on Collaboration and Innovation at Umeå University and CEO of Umeå University Holding AB. Marell has held several board assignments in the private sector and has been a member of many scientific research councils and foundations. Previous assignments include Rector of the Umeå School of Business and director of Örnsköldsvik municipality.
Agneta Marell graduated with a bachelor's degree in business administration in 1991 and received her doctorate in 1998 from the Umeå School of Business. In her dissertation, she focused on consumer behavior and transport psychology. She also studied at Columbia University in New York, and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Chicago. She continued her academic activities in Umeå and was appointed Professor in 2009.
Cecilia Rydinger was appointed Acting Vice-Chancellor of the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) July 1st June 2012. She was appointed Vice-Chancellor on June 5th 2013, a position Rydinger held to June 4th 2019. She still holds the professorship in orchestral conducting at KMH.
Rydinger is a leading figure in Swedish musical life, mainly as a conductor.
She was the principal conductor of the Wermland Opera 1994 – 1998, with noticed Wagner productions. Since 2008 Rydinger is the conductor of the male-voice choir Orphei Drängar, with whom she regularly performs on international tours and recordings. She was President of the jury at the international choir conductor’s competition Eric Ericson Award in October 2021.
Rydinger is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Music, and in 2005 she received the medal ‘Litteris et Artibus’ by H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf for her contribution to Swedish musical life.
Eva Åkesson is currently a professor of chemical physics and senior advisor at Lund University, Sweden. She served as vice-chancellor of Uppsala University from 2012 to 2020. Between 2003 and 2008, she was vice rector at Lund University, overseeing undergraduate education and the implementation of Bologna Process. From 2009 to 2011, she held the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor, responsible for first and second cycle studies, quality assurance, enhancement, and internationalization.
In 2015, she received an honorary doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. In 2018, she was awarded H.M. The King’s Medal of the 12th size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim for “exemplary work in Swedish higher education,” and in 2019, she received the Skytte Medal of the University of Tartu in recognition of her contributions to international cooperation.
Eva Åkesson is a board member of Chalmers, member of the International Advisory Board (IAB) Helsinki University and chair of the IAB Turku University. She has served on numerous other boards, including the Central Board for Student Aid (CSN), Kristianstad University, the Swedish Institute, and the Council of the University of Tartu, Estonia. She has been a titular member, secretary, and deputy chair of the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education and is currently a member of its Scientific Committee. She is a former chair of the Matariki Network of Universities and the Southern African–Nordic Centre (SANORD), and vice-chair of the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities.
Prof Åkesson has chaired international expert panels: Evaluating leadership and governance of education at Helsinki University in 2008, Aalto School of Science in 2011, the QQI institutional review of University College Dublin in 2019, the FINEEC evaluation of the University of Eastern Finland in 2022 and Arcada in 2023.
After completing her undergraduate and doctoral studies at Umeå University in 1989 and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota, USA, she was selected by the Swedish Research Council in 1996 as a senior researcher with the topic photochemical reaction mechanisms and continued her career at Lund University. Her research primarily focuses on femtochemistry, utilizing ultrafast spectroscopy to observe chemical reactions and dynamics on the timescale of chemical bond formation and breaking. She has investigated isomerizations, dissociation reactions, and electron transfers, and her work has also explored energy conversion in artificial systems for solar cells.
Helena Wessman was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) June 5th 2019. Wessman has a background as a professional trombonist and was herself educated at KMH.
For almost 25 years, Wessman has worked as a music administrator and leader in various positions in the Swedish music scene and before KMH she was General Manager of the concert hall Berwaldhallen for the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Swedish Radio Choir. Wessman has also been the CEO and artistic director of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and, before that, the head of the Academy of Music and Drama at the Gothenburg University in 2007-2009.
Karina Ericsson Wärn, currently heading the Beckman School of design in Stockholm (Sweden) as Vice Chancellor, embodies today's Art & Fashion Nexus. She has done scholarly work in both contemporary art and fashion, run avant-garde galleries, written art critique and lead a special curating program at the Royal College of Arts and Crafts (Stockholm). She is currently engaged in designing education to inspire tomorrows fashion entrepreneurs who will bridge the worlds of art and economy.
Professor Kerstin Tham is since November 2015 the first female Vice Chancellor of Malmö University, Sweden. She previously served as Deputy Vice Chancellor at Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm. She has extensive experience from research, teaching and academic leadership positions within the field of health sciences.
Professor Tham is professor in occupational therapy (2009) and has a doctoral (phd) degree in Neurology (1998). Her research focuses on aspects of rehabilitation after stroke and the overall aim is to build knowledge, develop and evaluate personcentered health services for people with stroke and their families. Professor Tham has conducted internationally unique research identifying the lived experience of individuals with neuropsychological impairments after stroke, as unilateral neglect, by applying an occupational science perspective. The research has contributed to the development of new models, methods and strategies for rehabilitation after stroke. Professor Tham has extensive numbers of scientific publications and has served as supervisor of 15 doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet.
Professor Tham has lead the strategic development of Malmö university which is the youngest university in Sweden. When the Swedish government decided on giving Malmö university the full research university status 2018, she has focused her work on strengthening the research and research education in interdisciplinary research centers and programs addressing complex societal challenges such as sustainable city development, migration and integration, life- and material sciences, internet of things and people and learning for change.
Malmö university has a strong global and societal engagement and has during the years built and extensive experience in widening participation in higher education. Collaboration with different societal stakeholders within public, private and the nonprofit sectors is very important for the further development of the university and professor Tham is therefore involved in several national, regional and local boards.
Maria Knutson Wedel.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Prior to taking up her position at SLU in 2019, she had a position as Vice President of Education and Lifelong Learning at Chalmers University of Technology. During 2005-2011 she was member of the Faculty Board at Chalmers.
During her career, in addition to research and teaching, she has been involved in pedagogic development, internationalization, integration of sustainability, quality assurance and leadership.
Maria received a PhD in Physics 1996 from Chalmers University of Technology and her research has covered an array of topics, from transmission electron microscopy and engineering materials properties to didactics, leadership for sustainability, and recycling of waste electronics. The work has resulted in 72 publications and around 1250 citations: Maria Knutson Wedel Google Scholar. She has received Chalmers Materials Centre prize for best licentiate thesis 1991, a Knut och Alice Wallenberg Scholarship for young researchers 1998 – 1999 and the Jacob Wallenberg Prize for Swedish Materials Research 2007.
Education has been a large part of her work. From the year 2000, she was involved in developing a new global model for engineering education in an initiative (CDIO) with MIT, Linköping and KTH. From 2007 she was programme director for an international master's program in Materials Technology and from 2010 also programme director for UNITECH; an international exchange programme focused on leadership in collaboration with industry. In 2008-2010 she was part of Chalmers' university committee for pedagogical competence development and in 2011 she was enrolled in a new position as Director of Pedagogic Development. During 2011-2016 she was appointed ”Inspector” by Chalmers Student Union, to support the union leadership. She received Chalmers Pedagogical Prize 2009.
As part of her career-long engagement in sustainable development she was enrolled 2006 in a programme aiming at coaching programme directors and faculty in integrating sustainability perspectives in education (ESD), and from 2009 she participated in a project aiming at coaching faculty in the field of sustainable production research. 2011 she was appointed Vice Chair of the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV).
Maria has been a member of several committees for evaluating university quality systems for national accreditation bodies. She has also been evaluator for national research funding agencies, for university hiring committees and a reviewer of journals e.g. MatSciEng, and Minerals Engineering.
She has been a board member of Universeum Science Centre and Chalmers Professional Education. Currently she is engaged in different roles outside SLU e.g. as a board member of a foundation for a secondary school, member of eLTER (European Long-Term Ecosystem Research) Interim Council, member of the board for an association of Swedish Director Generals, member of the advisory board for access to higher education at the Swedish Council for Higher Education and member of an expert group for employer issues at the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions. She is a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and a permanent member of The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala (KVSU).
Antonella Polimeni has been Rector of Sapienza since December 1, 2020. She was born in Rome in 1962, is married and has two children.
She has been a member of the Italian Association of Medical Doctors since 1988; she has been working at Sapienza - the University where she studied - since 1995, and is a full professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector Med/28 Dental Diseases since 2005.
At Sapienza, she has held numerous academic positions.
The most recent are:
From 2013 to 2018, she was a member of the University's Board of Governors; she was Department Director and member of the University Evaluation Committee. She has directed the Complex Operating Unit of Paediatric Dentistry and Odontostomatology since 2003 and the Head-Neck Integrated Activity Department at Policlinico Umberto I General Hospital in Rome. She is vice- president of the Permanent Conference of Colleges of University Professors in the Medical Area; from 2010 to 2014 she was President of the College of University Professors in Dental Disciplines. In 2019 she was awarded by the President of the Italian Republic the Honour of Commendatore dell’Ordine “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana”; in 2021 she was awarded the Mela d'oro (golden apple) of the 33rd edition of the Marisa Bellisario Prize for the "Institutions" category. In the same year, she was appointed Vice President of the Center for American Studies, Coordinator of the CRUI Gender Equality Committee, Scientific Advisor to the Marina Militare Italiana (Italian Navy) and member of the Scientific Technical Committee (STC) of the International Festival of Health and Safety at Work organized by the Rubes Triva Foundation.
Rector Polimeni has a scientific production of over 470 publications published in international and national journals, more than 100 congressional proceedings, national and international, 6 manuals, one of which is published in English, 2 monographs. She has also edited the Italian edition of one atlas text and two manuals, as well as guidelines published by the Ministry of Health. The scientific production has been a collaboration with numerous researchers from universities and national and international research institutions.
Cristiana Compagno is Full Professor of Management at the University of Udine, Italy. She received her Degree in Economics from the University of Trieste, Italy. After graduating as Chartered Accountant, she worked as Auditor in a leading international consulting firm. In 1992 she became Associate Professor of Organization Science at the University of Trieste, Italy. In 1998, she joined the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Udine, Italy, where, from 1998 to 2001 she was member of the University Assessment Unit and led a research project aimed at examining the organizational structure of the entire University of Udine. In 2000, she became Full Professor of Management at the University of Udine (Italy), Department of Economics and Statistics. Since 2002, she holds the Chair of Business Strategy of the University of Udine.
As Professor of Management, she devised and led several initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among students and younger generations. Among others, she devised and promoted the Start Cup Business Plan national competition, of which she led the Scientific Committee; from 2003 to 2008, she was appointed Rector’s Delegate for knowledge and technology transfer and led the Spin Off Committee of the University of Udine. In 2004, she was appointed Scientific Director of the Techno Seed Business Incubator. In 2007 and 2008 she was Deputy Rector of the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Udine, and from 2008 until 2013, she was appointed Rector of the University of Udine, among the first women to lead a public university in Italy. As Rector of a University, Professor Compagno was active in several national committees promoting excellence of scientific research.
In 2018, she was appointed member of the Scientific Committee of the International promotion of young researchers - “Montalcini Programme”, a 6-million Euro programme of the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, promoting the recruitment of outstanding Italian post- docs working abroad.
Professor Compagno also developed an extensive managerial experience, leading a national public bank from 2014 since 2017 as President, and being Board Member of private business conglomerates and of several institutions promoting higher education and knowledge development.
Professor Compagno is also an experienced researcher, having developed extensive research activities in the fields of Innovation Management, Organizational Change, and of Strategic Management of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and of family firms. She authored or co-authored several publications appearing in major international research journals and mentored graduate students, PhD students, and junior researchers.
Elizabeth (Beth) J. Stroble is the Webster University Chancellor, having served as Webster's Chief Executive Officer since 2009. As a global university system, Webster educates students at residential campuses as well as through online offerings at the main campus in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. as well as multiple locations in the U. S., Europe, Asia, Africa, and Central Asia.
During a decade of her leadership, Webster has more than tripled its endowment, substantially increased private scholarship funding for students, and strengthened Webster's global diversity. Across her career at public and private institutions, Stroble has emerged as a nationally recognized champion of expanding access to higher education through need-based student aid, while also advocating vigorously for federal support of university-based research. She is an experienced leader in American higher education, known for her commitment to increasing educational access and success for students worldwide, catalyzing academic innovation, and encouraging universities' civic engagement and service to society.
During her tenure, Webster has engaged in a period of transformation, with an increased focus on overall institutional excellence, which resulted in increased funding from private donors, government agencies and businesses, creation of several endowed professorships, and improving academic facilities and technologies necessary for Webster’s programs. Webster's place in the annual U. S. News & World Report "Best Colleges" ranking has risen from 33rd to 16th among Midwestern Regional universities and gained recognition for economic diversity, social mobility, and service to veterans. She launched Webster's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and highlighted its mission as a cornerstone of the university's excellence. In March 2019, she was named by Diverse Issues as one of the top 35 women making an impact in higher education. Most recently, she was a 2022 recipient of the St. Louis NCAAP Frankie Muse Freeman/Norman Seay Commitment to St. Louis Award.
Stroble's current research focuses on the relationships among place, identity, and community. She advocates for global inclusion and leadership, innovative public-private partnerships, and the value of independent universities through publications, invited presentations, and service to international and national organizations of university leaders and heads of corporations and government agencies. As higher education co-chair for the African Renaissance and Diaspora Network, she engages colleagues and students worldwide in popularizing the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a specific focus on achieving gender equality. As a member of the board for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, she chairs the education committee. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of University Presidents.
Stroble holds a bachelor of arts in history and English from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, and two master of arts degrees, one in history and one in American and English literature, from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. She received her Ph.D. in curriculum studies from the University of Virginia. Prior to Webster, she held academic and administrative appointments at the University of Akron, the University of Louisville, and Northern Arizona University.
As President of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP), Dr. Michele Nealon oversees one of the most successful non-profit professional graduate and undergraduate Universities in the nation, directing campuses across the country that educates over 6,000 students from more than 30 countries in the fields of psychology, behavioral health sciences, and nursing. President Nealon has presided over the University’s expansion, from a single campus to now seven locations, which includes: Chicago; Southern California (Los Angeles, Anaheim, and San Diego); Washington, D.C.; Dallas; TCSPP at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, and a robust Online Campus. Under her strategic leadership, The Chicago School has enjoyed unprecedented success in enrollment growth, improved student outcomes, increased new and innovative program offerings at multiple degree levels, and significantly increased global presence as a result of online program offerings and ever increasing global partnerships, placing the institution at the forefront of advancing a curriculum that is interprofessional and transdisciplinary in nature. Dr. Nealon also spearheaded the development of a new roadmap for the future of the now 40-year-old institution, which includes creation of the University’s new College of Nursing and Advanced Health Professions to advance The Chicago School as a leader in the area of health sciences and release of the second edition of the University’s biennial No Health Without Mental Health report on the status of mental health in the United States.
Dr. Nealon’s distinguished career reflects her dedication to ensuring that underserved populations receive the mental healthcare they need and deserve. She began her career in clinical psychology while at University College in Dublin, Ireland, where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree. In 1994, Dr. Nealon moved to the United States where she worked with adolescents in group homes and foster care for more than six years. Her clinical experience includes a variety of clinical settings with diverse groups of people including inpatient, outpatient, community mental health, forensic, and academic settings. As a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Nealon specializes in the treatment of children, adolescents, and their families.
Dr. Nealon is additionally the founder and CEO of The Nealon Group, LLC. Through private and corporate engagements, Dr. Nealon provides Executive Coaching and Business Consultation focused on senior level leadership development and business coaching. Dr. Nealon partners with corporations to offer a High-Performance Leadership Academy, utilizes coaching, peer support, training, reflection, and accountability, to generate results that matter in the workplace and challenge participants to achieve new levels of capability and performance. Dr. Nealon is an accomplished writer and speaker on a wide range of psychology and leadership related topics.
Snježana Prijić-Samaržija was born in Rijeka in 1964. She graduated philosophy at the University of Belgrade, earned her Master’s Degree in philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, completed her postgraduate research project "Social Epistemology for Open Society" at the Central European University in Prague, earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Zagreb and completed her postdoctoral research project "Abortion - pro et contra" at the Central European University, Prague, Czech Republic. She is a full professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, where she is the holder of many courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
From 2003 to 2008 she was the Director of the University of Rijeka Foundation, from 2009 to 2013 Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs, and from 2013 to 2017 Vice-Rector for Studies and Students. Since 2013, she acts as one of the Directors of the Centre for Advanced Studies of South East Europe of the University of Rijeka. In 2017 she was elected to the position of the University of Rijeka Rector, as only the second woman to be elected to that position. In February 2021, she was unanimously elected for her second and final term in office.
Professor Prijić-Samaržija is a recipient of many awards and recognitions, including the Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, for the support and contribution to the development of international academic programs (2006) and the City of Rijeka Award for the development of higher education (2008). In December 2019, Prof. Prijić-Samaržija received the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award, awarded by the Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights in Osijek, for her valuable contribution to recognizing the need for and opening up the space and atmosphere of the academic community’s cooperation with society in the processes of creating, preserving and promoting peace.
Professor Prijić-Samaržija is the author and co-author of many publications, and she frequently participates in various projects promoting gender equality and equity in academia, e.g. SPEAR (Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research), as well as other praiseworthy projects conducted in partnership with international partners (e.g. SHEFCE, TEFCE, YUFERING, etc.).
As the University of Rijeka is becoming increasingly recognizable in the European Higher Education Area, Rector Prijić-Samaržija argues for initiatives promoting the development of European universities. She is either the president or member of numerous international committees and boards. Since 2018 she serves as Vice-Chair of Advisory Board at Inter- University Centre, Dubrovnik (IUC). In 2020, she was elected to the Governing Council for the drafting of the European University Association (EUA) Strategy, and she was elected to the Bureau of the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practices (CDPPE) at the Council of Europe, as a representative of the academic community. Professor Prijić- Samaržija is also a member of the YUFE Strategy Board, and in September 2021, she commenced her two-year term as YERUN President.
Elisabeth Freismuth (Dr. iur.) - born in Vienna, studied Law, History and Art History, Doctorate in Law, University Assistant at the University of Vienna, from 1990 till 2008 Director of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, President of the “Friends the Vienna Film Academy“, Co-founder and Vice President of the "Forum Universität und Gesellschaft", Lecturer at the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Arnold Schönberg Center Privatstiftung and of the Steering Committee for the Redesign of the Austrian National Exhibition in Auschwitz-Birkenau (National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism), from 2012 to 2013 President of the Association “Netzwerk Bildungsarchitektinnen“. In 2010 she became Alumni of INSEAD Fontainebleau (The Challenge of Leadership), in 2014 course Strategic Leadership on behalf of the Austrian Federal Government.
From 2008 to 2014 Director General at the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (responsibility, inter alia, for the areas of Budget, Staff, Constructions, Grants in the field of science, Science Communication, Public Relations, Central Services, ICT, Student Support and Counselling, Recognition Issues and International Higher Education Law, Protocol as well as Gender and Diversity Management). From October 2014 to October 2018 Rector of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.
President of the “Policy Committee on International Affairs” (Universities Austria) from November 2015 to 2018, Member of the European Women Rectors Association-EWORA since December 2016 and Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the “Bühnen Graz GmbH” since May 2018. From 2018 to 2020 Special Representative of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research. Since 2019 Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the “Vereinigte Bühnen Wien GmbH”.
Austrian Golden Order of Merit for Services
Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art
Grand Golden Order of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria
Grand Golden Order of Merit of Styria
Izelle DUBUISSON DORSAINVIL was born in Hinche, Haiti. She has earned degrees University of GOC, Haiti, Gestion and Administration, a Master and Doctoral Degree (Ph. D) Administration
of Ecclesiastical from Facultad Cristiana Teologica de Venezuela.A.C., Venezuela, Caracas. She is married and mother of four Young Boys: Heiden Slim, Helmut, Sheveland and Bolten Van Kim Dorsainvil.
Izelle DUBUISSON DORSAINVIL has many experiences in Private Administration in Haiti. She is Assistant Director General of a NGO named "Organisation Agricole de Developpement pour la Production des Paysans Haitiens". She is studied in Venezuela, Caracas , Dominican Republic and in Haiti. Certificate of specialization in Agricultural and Climate Change. In 2014 until day Mrs. Izelle DUBUISSON DORSAINVIL was named Rector of Queensland University (UQ) and she is represented the Queensland University near the Haitian Government and the International Institutions. She is accounting in ECEM Organization and she has many experiences about national and international organizations. Izelle DUBUISSON DORSAINVIL has also an experience of work about the Group Croissance SA.
President of Haitian Association of Graduate Women of Universities (HAGWU) member of Graduate Women International (GWI) since 2016 to date.
President of Haitian Association of Women Rectors (HAWR) since 2020 to date.
American International University
EWORA MEMBERVice Chancellor, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) (1997-present)
Born in Manila, Philippines on December 1, 1956, Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna , earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Adamson University, Manila in 1978, passed the licensure examination for Chemical Engineers on the same year, she obtained her Master of Teaching Mathematics from Rizal Technological University, Philippines and Doctor of Business Administration from California Coast University, USA.
Under her guidance, the University, from its inception has earned eminences as a higher seat of quality education in Bangladesh and abroad within a short period of its establishment in 1995. From 70 students, the current student population is more than 10,000 under the Faculties of Science and Technology, Engineering, Business Administration and Arts and Social Sciences.
Dr. Lamagna’s achievements as an educator and manager may be gleaned from the positions she has in prestigious international bodies. She was the Treasurer (2011-2014) and Board member (2017-present) of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), Administrative Board Member (2017-present) of the International Association of Universities (IAU), with the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) as an ex-oficio board member (2010-2018) having served as the first female President for 2008 to 2010, AUAP Advisory Council member for 2021. She was a member of the Board of Trustees of Adamson University, Manila Philippines from 2008 to 2018.
Dr. Lamagna was one of the awardees in the 2006 Presidential Award (Pamana Award) for Overseas Filipinos. The award ceremony was held in Malacanan Palace, Manila, Philippines (President’s official residence and office) last Dec. 7, 2006. She delivered the acceptance speech on the said occasion on behalf of the 48 Presidential awardees.
She was also one of the 75 alumni awardees in the Adamson University Jubilee celebration held in the University Auditorium last February 8, 2007.
Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna, was selected as top 100 women of the world under the education category by the International Alliance for Women (TIAW) held on October 18, 2012, in Canadian High Commission, Washington DC.
The Filipina Women Network (FWN) awarded Dr. Lamagna one of the 100 most influential Filipina in the world under the category of “Builders” for 2014, the ceremony was held during the Forum Summit in Shangrila Hotel, Makati, Philippines on October 5-7, 2014.
Mamokgethi Phakeng (formerly Setati) began her term of office as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town on 1 July 2018, where she had been serving as Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Internationalisation since January 2017. Before this appointment she served as Vice Principal for Research and Innovation at the University of South Africa (Unisa) for five years, after serving three years as Executive Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology at the same university. She holds a PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of the Witwatersrand and one of the leading scholars in mathematics education globally. She has been invited to deliver over 60 keynote/plenary talks at international conferences, and as a visiting professor in universities around the world. She has won numerous awards for her research and community work, including the Order of the Baobab (Silver) conferred on her by the President of South Africa in April 2016. In August 2014 CEO magazine named her the most influential woman academic in Africa, in 2020 she was included in Forbes’ inaugural list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Africa. In July 2019 the University of Bristol conferred on her an Honorary Doctorate in Science in recognition of her leadership role in mathematics education in South Africa.
Kgethi, as she is popularly known, was elected as a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) in November 2007; an honorary member of the Golden Key International Honour Society in May 2009, an honorary life member of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA) in July 2009; Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) in 2018 and fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2021.
She serves as a member of high-profile international boards: The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) and the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG). She is trustee of the South African Student Solidarity Foundation for Education (SASSFE) and was a member of the FirstRand Foundation till December 2021. She served as member of the board of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and chaired its Research Development and Innovation Committee from January 2015 till September 2017. She served as the first woman President of the Convocation of the University of the Witwatersrand from 2011 to 2016. She led the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA) as its first woman National President from 2002 to 2006, served as founding chairperson of the Board of the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) from 2004 to 2006 and secretary and member of the executive committee of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) from 2003 to 2007.
Kgethi is an academic with a sharp social conscience and a philanthropist who among her initiatives founded the Adopt-a-learner Foundation in 2004 which provides financial and educational support to South African students from township and rural areas to acquire higher education qualifications. When she took office in July 2018, she declined a requested that the funds budgeted for her inauguration ceremony be set aside to pay off outstanding debt for students who had completed their studies in 2015 – 2017 but were not able to graduate. Since then she donates 20% of her monthly salary to a scholarship fund to support poor students, particularly women registered for postgraduate study at the University of Cape Town.
Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su is currently a Distinguished Professor of Environmental Health of the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. Dr. Su has engaged most of
her research efforts on the topic of air pollution related health effects, with particular emphasis on the rising global concerns on airborne microbial hazards. She was an expert committee member for preparing the report of “WHO Guidance for Biological Agents in the Indoor Environment”.
Dr. Su has served as an associate editor of the journal Indoor Air since 2007 and was inducted as a fellow of the International Academy of Indoor Air Sciences in 2008, the first Asian female scientist to be so honored.
In recent years, Dr. Su has extended her investigation into the health outcomes attributable to global environmental changes. Dr. Su has also served at the National Committee for Air Pollution Abatement as well as National Council for Sustainable Development where she advised and supervised the national programs on assessing health risks associated with environmental exposures.
In addition to her academic concentrations and accomplishments where international collaboration was always a strong component throughout, Dr. Su has been actively involved in international projects of professional, non-profit, or non-government nature. The opportunities and experiences had brought her in connection with people and organizations of various clusters, including academia, industry, art, conservation, among others. She travels around the world to participate activities and events mostly for educational purposes on a regular basis, with which she kept abreast with the progress and development of trend and knowledge in the area of higher education.
Having served as the Vice President for International Affairs of National Cheng Kung University from 2007 to 2011, Dr. Su began to direct her efforts and interests to the subject matter of higher education development and advancement. During the term, she was also appointed as the Executive Secretary for SATU (Southeast and South Asian and Taiwan Universities) Presidents’ Forum, which provides a venue for academics to share their valuable experiences to improve higher education and international cooperation in the region. Starting February 1, 2011, Dr. Su was appointed the Executive Vice President of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) with primary responsibility of overseeing the strategic development of student affairs, international affairs, university advancement project and coordinating the collaborative projects among universities of TCUS (Taiwan Comprehensive University System). As of February 2015, Dr. Su took the mantle of NCKU President as the first female President of its 85-year-long history. In July 2015, Dr. Su was elected as a chairperson of Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan and in 2017, she is the chairperson of the Association of National Universities of Taiwan.
She received master of science and doctor of science degrees in environmental health from the Harvard School of Public Health. In October 2017, she was honored by her alma mater with the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health’s 2017 Leadership Award in Public Health Practice with which she was recognized for her leadership at the university and in her long work in improving indoor air quality. Moreover, Dr. Su was cited for her outstanding leadership among the top 100 award-winning researchers, academics, and innovators, and leaders in the 2018 edition of the Asian Scientist Magazine. She also received the 2017 Outstanding Research Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. She was cited one of the 10 “Science Stars of East Asia” for her indoor air pollution by leading journal Nature.
Rector at University of Evora, Portugal since 2014 (end at May 2022)). Vice-Rector (2006-2010) and, in between, Adviser at EC BEPA – Bureau of European Policy Advisers with the dossier Higher Education also worked with the CSA (Chief Scientific Adviser) of the European Comission President. During the stay at EU have given several oral communication, and presentations and published papers publications on the modernization of Higher Education and the future of Higher Education in Europe as well as at global level. The scientific field of expertise is food science and technology mainly related to Mediterranean agriculture and the preservation and sustainability of the Mediterranean eco-system.
Was part of the PRIMA Foundation steering committee for one mandate and part of the UNIMED Board since 2019.
Isabel Capeloa Gil is the Rector of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and President of the International Federation of Catholic Universities. She is a Full Professor of Culture Studies at the School of Human Sciences. Having grown up in China, she studied in Lisbon (U. Lisbon), Munich (Ludwig Maximilian University) and Chicago and holds a PhD in German Studies (UCP). Previously, she was Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalization (2012-2016) and the Dean of the School of Human Sciences (2005-2012) of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP). Isabel Gil has been especially interested in researching issues of diversity and conflict and has structured her work around the exploration of the disciplinary boundaries between the arts and other disciplines.
She is a passionate advocate of international education and works consistently to develop international research networks, exploring the different ways in which the practice of the arts and humanities is pivotal to advance a more sustainable and intellectually robust global education agenda. Her research is currently published in Portuguese, English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. She is the author of over 182 publications, bridging cultural theory, interarts studies, visual culture, culture and conflict. Her latest books are Hazardous Future: Disaster, Representation and the Assessment of Risk (with Christoph Wulf, New York, 2015) and The Ballets Russes. Modern Times After Dhiaghilev (with PcPinto, Lisbon, 2018) . She was a founding member and is a senior researcher at the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC), where she coordinates the research group Culture, Art and Conflict (CAC). As an international scholar, Prof. Gil has held numerous visiting professorships at prestigious universities such as LMU University, Munich, Hamburg University,Ca’Foscari University, Venice, the Houston School of Film at the National University ofIreland, PUC Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and USJ (Macao). She was a Visiting Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg (Berlin) and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (U. Stanford). Amongst her honours are a Fulbright Fellowship, and DAAD, FLAD and Gulbenkian Scholarships.
Isabel Capeloa Gil has been a regular consultant for research foundations such as the Danish Research Council, FAPESP (Brazil), the FCT and FLAD in Portugal as well as the Luso-American Comission (Fulbright). She was an evaluator of the prestigious Excellence Initiative of the Germnan Federal Government and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and is Chair of the Humanities panel at the Danish Research Council.
Isabel Capeloa Gil is furthermore Honorary Fellow at the IGRS, School of Advanced Studies, University of London. In 2018, she became Chair of the Research Leadership Forum of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils. She is also a Member of the European Council of Foreign Relations, as well as a member of the Advisory Board of the Gulbenkian Foundation. Since 2016, she has been the President of the Board of the UCP Foundation.
Dr. Nermina Hadžigrahić, Full Professor, Rector of the University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Professor Hadžigrahić has a Doctoral Degree in Medical Sciences (28 May 2004). Doctoral thesis: The influence of chlamydial urogenital infections on the reproductive ability of men, Thesis Supervisor Professor Franz Gruber (Faculty of Medicine Rijeka), Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla. She was awarded honorary title Primarius in 2015. She has been a Chairman of the Commission for the Supervision of Specialist Consultative Activity of Dermatology and Venereology in Tuzla Canton, a member of the Team for Standardization of Allergy Tests in the University Clinical Center Tuzla, member of the Scientific Committee of the First Congress of Dermatovenereologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Sarajevo, 2007, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the First Symposium on the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Wounds, international participation. Tuzla, Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Vice-President of the Organizing Committee of the 4 th Allergy School, Tuzla, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Symposium, Diseases of the Hair and Scalp in Clinical Practice, Mostar, Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th Allergy School, Mostar, Member of the Editorial and Scientific Committee for the Book of Abstracts and Papers for the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th International Seminar Food to Health, Tuzla, Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Symposium of the Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Republika Srpska with international participation, Bijeljina, Member of the Scientific Committee of 1st of Euro-Asian Congress on Melanoma in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 1st Regional Congress on Reconstructive Dermatology of the 21st Century, Becici, Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Regional Congress on Reconstructive Dermatology, Ljubljana, Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Congress of Medical Students and Young Doctors, MediCon, Tuzla, Moderator of the 4th International Symposium: Sexually Transmitted Diseases-New Perspectives, Brijuni, 2014. Invited lecturer: 1st Congress of Dermatologists and Venereologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, 2006); 2nd and 3rd Allergy School (Sarajevo, 2007 and 2009); Congress of Gastroenterologists of BiH (Tuzla, 2009) , 15th Belgrade Dermatological Days (Belgrade, 2010), 1st Congress of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Montenegro (Becici, 2011), 14th Scientific Meeting of Pediatricians of the North-Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tuzla, 2011), 4th Congress of Croatian Dermatologists and Venereologists (Osijek, 2011), Meeting of Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Republika Srpska Skin Tumors (Banja Luka, 2012), 3rd Congress of Psychodermatology (Split, 2012), International Course in Diagnosis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Tuzla, 2012); 2nd Congress of the Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Serbia (Belgrade, 2013), 5th Congress of the Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Macedonia (Ohrid, 2013), 2nd Symposium of the Association Dermatologists and Venereologists of Republika Srpska (Bijeljina, 2013), 5th Congress of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Croatia (Zagreb, 2014), Workshop "Retrospective View of Endemic Syphilis in BiH (Tuzla, 2015), Meeting of Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Republika Srpska Selected Topics in Dermatology And Venerology (Banja Luka, 2015) and many more. She has been Recto of the University of Tuzla from 2017 till present.
Membership in associations:
President of the Association of Dermatology end Venerology in BiH Member of the Wound Care Association in BiH
Member of the Association for Dermoscopy in BiH Member of Association to Fight Melanoma in BiH
Honorary member of the Association of Dermatovenereologists of Montenegro Honorary member of the Association of Dermatovenereologists of Macedonia Member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV)
Member of the International Dermoscopy Society
Head of the research project "Epidemiological and clinical-morphological characteristics of malignant skin tumors in the area of TK ", approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, 2009
Participant of the MetaNET Project (Academic Networks in the SEE region), 2009
Participant of Tempus Projects:
2005- 2006: Quality Management in Medicine (Tempus CM SCM C005A05-2005)
2006- 2007: European Credit Transfer System for BH Medical Faculties (Tempus CM SCM COIOAO6-2OO6)
2005-2008: Integrated Learning and Teaching in Medicine - INTEL-M (Tempus JEP CD JEP 19037-04)
2005- 2009: Reform of Nursing Education (Tempus CD-JEP 40012-2005)
2014- Embedding Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education - EQUADE (5 16891-TEMPUS-1-2011- DE-TEMPUS-SMGR)
Prof. Dr. Suzana Golemi, has been the Rector of Shkodra University “Luigj Gurakuqi” since 2020.
She was born on 30 of August 1963 and finished her studies in Biology and Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, of Shkodra University in 1987. After university studies she was graduated as Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Tirana. She has had the title Associated Professor and Professor in Chemistry since 2007. She is a lecturer of Biochemistry, Didactic of Chemistry, Medical Biochemistry, Curriculum of Chemistry, Teaching methods in Chemistry.
She exchanged experiences in the field of Chemistry with several European Universities professors. She has worked as a pedagogue and researcher in Chemistry and Didactic field in the University of Shkodra since 1989. During her academic carrier she has published 62 scientific articles in national and international level. She has also participated in 32 national scientific conferences and 45 scientific international conferences. She is a member of scientific and editorial board in several prestigious publications/journals. She participated in several scientific research projects at national and international level. She was a member of the Senate in the University of Shkodra for the period 2016-2020. She was Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences for the 2016-2020, and a member of the City Council in the Municipality of Shkodra 2007-2011. She speaks English and Italian languages.
Professor Bogumiła Kaniewska, Ph.D., D.Litt., Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (AMU); chairwoman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities (KRUP).
She is a humanities professor, a Polish literary scholar, a philologist and a translator and she specializes in the history of literature, contemporary literature and theory of literature. Between 2011-2020 she headed the AMU Department of Literature Semiotics in the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology. In the years 2005-2012 she was the Deputy Director for Scholarly Activities at the AMU Institute of Polish Philology and in the years 2012-2016 acted as Dean of the AMU Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies. Between 2016 and 2020 she was AMU Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and since September 1, 2020 she has been AMU Rector. In the year 2020 she was elected chairwoman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.
She has authored or co-authored nearly 100 works including books and articles. In her scholarly work she deals mainly with the literature of the twentieth century and also contributes to literary criticism. Translating English-language prose, in particular children's prose, has become her great passion. In 1995 she obtained a doctoral degree and in 2001 a postdoctoral degree. In the year 2015 she became a humanities professor.
Dr. Klavdija Kutnar (b. 23 December 1980) received her doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Primorska in 2008 with the thesis »On Symmetric Graphs«.
She was the Dean of the University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) from 2012. Under her mandate the faculty continued and upgraded its strong focus on internationalisation and research development, and achieved numerous note-worthy successes. Among them, it obtained the only Slovene H2020 Teaming project to date (for the establishment InnoRenew CoE), was trusted the organisation of one the largest scientific events (8 European Congress of Mathematics) and increased significantly enrollment and employment from abroad.
As a rector she continues to support the same principles of the university running and is consolidating it into a modern, vibrant university fully participating in creation of the Society 5.0. Dr. Kutnar is also active in research and is focusing on algebraic graph theory. She published 70 original scientific articles, of which 62 in SCI journals (1 in the top 5 % of journals int he field). Majority of them were published in co-authoriship with renowned international scientists. Her publications show 377 pure WoS citations (h-index 11) and 378 pure Scopus citations.
Already in 2007 she received a university student award Srečko Kosovel for her impressive research work and her contribution to university consolidation. In 2009 she was awarded for her research and development achievements from the UP fund for research excellence. A year afterwards she was a Fullbright scholarship holder and she visit Ohio State University in Columbus, USA, for 5 months. In addition, she gave numerous short invited talks. She is a member of the editorial board of SCI journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea from 2016. She is also a member of editorial board of scientific journals Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications in Algebraic Combinatorics and managing editor of the ADAM – The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics journal.
Dr. Klavdija Kutnar co-organised 33 international mathematical scientific meetings, among them she was also vice-chair of the organising committee of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics and was a member of the International Advisory Committee for the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022. Additionally, she gave 41 talks on mathematical meetings worlwide, of which she was an invited speaker 15 times.
The government of the Republic of Slovenia appointed her as a chair of the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia in 2019. She was also a member of a working group to support the Peer-Counseling Project on the financing of higher education in Slovenia
Cisca Wijmenga (1964) has been the rector of the University of Groningen since 2019. She is a biologist by training and has been an active researcher in the field of Human Genetics. Prior to becoming rector she was chair of the department of Genetics at the University Medical Center Groningen.
Cisca Wijmenga has always been involved in national and International research committees and is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences in The Netherlands (KNAW) en the Academia Europea. As a rector she is actively involved in the ENLIGHT European University Network, a network of 9 European universities with the ambition to transform higher education and empower learners as globally engaged citizens. Furthermore at the University of Groningen she is pursuing the development of four interdisciplinary Schools for research, education and outreach focusing on major societal issues (Health, Energy, Digitalisation and Sustainability). She is also a striving to increase the number of female professors and serves as a role model for female faculty as she was the first female rector at the University since its establishment in 1614.
Cisca Wijmenga has received numerous awards including the prestigious Spinoza award. She became an EMBO member recently and has been named a knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion.
ukraineKotvitska Alla Anatoliivna was born on August 7, 1972, in the city of Kharkiv. She graduated from Zmiiv Secondary School № 1 with a silver medal in 1989. She entered the Ukrainian Academy of Pharmacy with a degree in Pharmacy in 1990, and she graduated from it obtaining the qualification of a pharmacist in 1995. She graduated with honors from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, majoring in Banking, qualified as a banking specialist in 2003. She received a diploma with honors from the NUPh at the educational and qualification level of «Master» in the «Higher School Pedagogy» specialty, obtaining the qualification of a teacher of universities and higher education institutions in 2015. She graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of the Kharkiv Regional Council with a degree in Secondary Education, specializing in Language and Literature, and obtained the professional qualification of an English teacher in 2020.
Kotvitska Alla Anatoliivna fulfilled the requirements for the competence «Quality Manager» under the international standard ISO 9001:2008. She graduated from foreign language courses (English) of the Linguistic Center of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. In 2017, she was certified to determine knowledge and practical skills at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education as a specialist in the «Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics» specialty. She passed the certification at the Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture for proficiency in the state language in 2019. In 2022, she received the State Certificate of the National Commission on State Language Standards on the level of knowledge of the state language No. 00121229 at the fluency level of the first degree. From 1995 to 2001, she studied at the graduate school of the National University of Pharmacy at an attendance course. In 2002, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 15.00.01 – «Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization» specialty on the topic: «Розробка складу та технології емульсії анальбену для лікування запальних захворювань суглобів», in 2004 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 2008, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the 15.00.01 – «Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization» specialty on the topic: «Методологія соціально- ефективної організації фармацевтичного забезпечення населення», in 2011 she was awarded the title of professor.
She worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy of the Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Institute (1989), pharmacist of Mahik LLP (1995), assistant (2001-2002), associate professor (2003-2009), professor (2009-2011) of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy of the NUPh, Scientific Secretary of the Research Department of the NUPh (2003-2007), Head of the Scientific and Methodological Laboratory (Research Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Education) (2007-2008), Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work (Graduate Pharmaceutical Education) of the NUPh (2008-2014). From 2011 to 2015, she headed the first in Ukraine Department of Social Pharmacy. Since 2014, she has held the position of the first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work. On November 16, 2017, the university staff elected Kotvitska Alla Anatoliivna as the Rector of the National University of Pharmacy.