Prof. Gulsun Saglamer joined the following events and represented EWORA.
- GENDERACTION Project Workshop for Good Practices, 25-26 March 2019, Berlin
- CESAER’s Workshop on Implementing Gender Equality Plans (GEP) at Universities of Science and Technology, 28-29 March 2019, Torino
- GENDERACTION Midterm Conference and the annual meeting of the SWG GRI (Former Helsinki Group), 8-10 April 2019, Brussels
- Eastern Mediterranean University Opening Lecture: “Changing Landscape of Higher Education”, 14 October 2019
- 7th International Conference on Gender Studies: Space&Place and Culture «Role of Leadership in Promoting Gender Equality» , Eastern Mediterranean University,10 October 2019.
- Inclusive Internationalisation Conference, “ Women’s Leadership In Higher Education And Research”, 5th Of November 2019, Riga, Rigas Stradina Univeersitate.
- Online Presentation, Biennale Habitat 2020-2022 - third international webinar -16th July, 2020, Human Values and Human Thinking in the Mediterranean-Reflecting on changes: emerging issues and new horizons” Human Values for Whom?
- GENDERACTION-Prague Workshop 18-19 February 2020, Communicating Gender Equality Policy in R&I and Creating Impact
- Advisory Group Meeting, for Gender Equality in RPOs under “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” 25 February 2020, Ankara Project Proposals.