EWORA membership is open to both individuals and organizations, Belgian or non-Belgian, that meet the following criteria:

Institutional Membership

  • Higher Education Institutions: €1,500 annually
  • Higher Education Associations/Networks: €1,500 annually

Individual Membership: Full Members

  • Active / Former Rectors: €300 annually
  • Active  / Former Vice Chancellors: €300 annually
  • Active / Former Presidents of Higher Education Institutions: €300 annually

Individual Membership: Associate Members

  • Active / Former Vice Rectors: €300 annually
  • Active / Former Pro Vice Chancellors: €300 annually
  • Active / Former Vice Presidents of Higher Education Institutions: €300 annually

Honorary Members
Membership granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Note: Membership rates will be adjusted according to the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of each country. For more information, please contact: info@ewora.org

Application Steps

  1. Select Membership Category: Choose a category based on the information provided.
  2. Complete Application Form: Fill out the online form below.
  3. Review Process: The General Secretary will submit the form to the EWORA Board for approval. Approved applicants will be notified.
  4. Pay Membership Fee: Upon approval, transfer the fee to EWORA's bank account. An invoice can be requested at info@ewora.org.

EWORA Bank Account Details:

  • Bank Name: BNP Paribas Fortis
  • Beneficiary: European Women Rectors Ass
  • IBAN: BE 10 0017 7430 5004