Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)/ SDG3 Cluster Webinar

Co-hosted by the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) in collaboration with SDG3 cluster members

Exploring the nexus between health, equity, and gender

Tuesday, 07 June 2022 | 10:00 - 11:30 UTC / 12:00-13:30 CEST

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Equity in health looks at the factors that might affect equity and equal access and outcomes to health, to ensure that everyone can lead healthy lives and realise their full potential. This webinar will explore some of these factors based on current research, anchoring them in their specific geographical contexts, and ignite areas for further exploration. Speakers will begin by setting the context looking at inequity and health more widely and providing an overview of their specific area of work and expertise. They will then explore gender inequity more specifically. They will finally look at how e-health, as an emerging mechanism of delivery is affecting equity more widely, and gender equity more specifically. Speakers will then put forward an insight or key learning that has emerged from the conversation or propose a call to action or question that has arisen and would benefit from further investigation.


Aims of the webinar

▪ To gain a better understanding of: o what is meant by health and equity o how equity is linked to health o how gender equity is linked to health o the role of e-health as a catalyser and hinderer to equity, gender equity and health

▪ To provide interdisciplinary, international, and context-specific expertise to get a broadbased understanding of the issues

▪ To provide context specific examples to anchor the conversation ▪ To stimulate new learning and insights, further questions, and areas of exploration More specifically: ▪ What is meant by equity and health?

▪ To stimulate new learning and insights, further questions, and areas of exploration

More specifically:

▪ What is meant by equity and health?

▪ How may both conscious and unconscious biases be affecting the conceptualization of research design, implementation, results, and the resulting policy recommendations?

▪ How may they be affecting the conceptualization, delivery, and uptake of medical health services and health education?

▪ How may all of this be exacerbated in already vulnerable populations and communities?

▪ How are these challenges being addressed in the specific contexts in which they arise? ▪ How is e-health as a mechanism of delivery affecting these challenges?




Lídia Arroyo, Sociologist, Researcher on Gender and ICT at Open University of Catalonia, Spain

Edward Bichetero, Senior Technical Officer of Data Science and Informatics at Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Support (METS) Program at Makerere University, Uganda

Hannah Dahlen, Professor of Midwifery, Associate Dean Research and HDR and Midwifery at Western Sydney University, Australia

Retna Siwi, Faculty member at the Division of Public Health at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Moderator: Gemma Marfany, Professor of Genetics at the University of Barcelona

Opening: Hilligje Vant’Land, IAU Secretary General

Closing: Marta Aymerich, Vice President for Strategic Planning and Research at UOC