EU Publications: She Figures 2021

"Equality between women and men is one of the EU’s founding values. Since the European Commission’s ERA Communication of 2012, gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) as a priority has been strengthened progressively. The She Figures 2021 publication uses the latest available statistics to monitor the state of gender equality R&I across Europe and beyond, through providing comparable data and analysis for approximately 88 indicators. The data follow the ‘chronological journey’ of women from graduating from doctoral studies to participating in the labour market and acquiring decision-making roles, while exploring differences in women’s and men’s working conditions and research and innovation output." 


Our activities as EWORA have been also referred in this report, please see p.198  of the report for more details. 

Please click here to download the She Figures 2021 Report. 


Retrieved from : European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, She figures 2021 : gender in research and innovation : statistics and indicators, Publications Office, 2021,