This comprehensive survey takes stock of the current state of digital transformation and aims to assess how ongoing technological developments are contributing to transformations in higher education.
Press Release
Launch of the latest global survey from the International Association of Universities: the Digital Transformation of Higher Education.
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to launch the 2nd edition of the Global Survey on the Digital Transformation of Higher Education. This comprehensive survey takes stock of the current state of digital transformation and aims to assess how ongoing technological developments are contributing to transformations in higher education.
In the wake of unprecedented digital transformation in higher education, particularly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAU Global Survey series on Digital Transformation has become a crucial initiative to monitor and understand the rapid digital changes (re)shaping the sector. The survey addresses several pressing challenges faced by the higher education sector today. Key areas of focus include:
Leveraging Digital Developments: How institutions enhance teaching and learning and adapt to the evolving expectations and needs of students through digital advancements.
Generative AI: How are institutions exploring the benefits of generative AI while mitigating associated risks?
Open Science: What changes are required to reform traditional systems and practices and contribute to opening up access to knowledge?
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: What measures are higher education institutions undertaking to ensure cybersecurity and data privacy, and to provide a safe online working environment for both staff and students?
The analysis of the global responses will uncover how ongoing technological developments impact the development of higher education in terms of new opportunities to enhance quality, as well as in terms of the challenges that it brings about. For this reason, broad participation from higher education institutions worldwide is essential to ensure the collection of ample data to gain insight into current trends both globally and across the different world regions.
The questionnaire was prepared in collaboration with experts from around the world to ensure that the questionnaire resonates with institutions across diverse contexts and cultures. This approach aims to guarantee a thorough overview of the digital transformation trends in higher education.
The International Association of Universities
Trine Jensen