“The Tales from the Mednight” is a literary contest whose purpose is to bring science through literary works and their theatrical representation to different sectors of society, especially girls and boys. The registration period is open until July 31. It is an open competition, especially aimed at teachers, researchers, students, journalists and writers. The minimum words allowed shall be 350 and the maximum shall be 1500. The selected stories will be published in digital and printed version, the ISBN will be managed and a printed copy will be sent as a prize to the winners. MEDNIGHT also offers training to become a short story writer/writer, an online course on how to write a science story.
The works can be presented electronically, using the form available on the website of the Mediterranean Researchers’ Night (MEDNIGHT). Contest rules here (web link)
The tales from the MEDNIGHT is an inclusive activity of the Mediterranean Researchers` Night. This is the third literary contest of scientific stories related to the Mediterranean. The subjects proposed are: Health; Mediterranean Sea; anthropology and history; pollution; biodiversity; women and science; climate emergency; geology; engineering; diet and nutrition; clean energies; astronomy and any scientific or technological subject, provided it is linked to the Mediterranean countries.
The aim is to bring Mediterranean Science closer to sectors of the population which are often remote from outreach activities. Thus, the winning works will be presented in a fun and entertaining way to hospitalized children, migrants in reception centers, and elderly people in residences. They may also be represented during astronomical observation activities. As a novelty, this edition differentiates between children and youth category.
In the II edition were 7 winning works within a wide range of scientific topics that have been represented in refugee camps, hospitals and senior centers. The works were edited in print and digital form, and have been translated in this second case into English, Valencian, Italian, Turkish and Greek, being their rights under the Creative Commons license.
You can download the 2022 Tales from the Mednight here for FREE.
The book also includes illustrations commissioned by Mednight for the winning stories and includes the pictogram version and easy reading of one of the works, in addition to the audiobook version of all of them.
MEDNIGHT Tales will be narrated at Mediterranean Researchers’ Night events, in different locations in the Valencian Community, in Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and Italy.
MEDNIGHT is a Mediterranean science dissemination project that connects knowledge centers from both ends of the Mediterranean Sea and brings together the participation in a consortium of 10 institutions: FISABIO, INCLIVA, CSIC, MUDIC, El Caleidoscopio, SciCo Cyprus, the University of Messina, the Kadir Has University in Istanbul and the European Association of Women Rectors (EWORA), under the coordination of SciCo Greece.
MEDNIGHT takes place within the framework of the European Night of Researchers (European Researchers’ Night), a scientific dissemination project promoted and financed by the European Commission as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (grant agreement No 101061190) of the Horizon Europe programme.