Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia
13-14 May, 2019,
Malmö University
First Name | Last Name | Uni./Institution | Position | Country |
Iwona | Adamiec-Wójcik | Vice-Rector | Uni. of Bielsko-Biala | Poland |
Charlotte | Ahlgren-Moritz | Pro Vice-chancellor | Malmö University | Sweden |
Giuli | Alasania | President | The Uni. of Georgia | Georgia |
Hanne Leth | Andersen | Rector | Roskilde University (RU) | Denmark |
H. Belgin | Ayvasik | Rector | TED University | Turkey |
Anna | Chełmońska-Soyta | Vice-Rector | Wroclaw Uni. of Envir.& Life Sci. | Poland |
Fanny | Cheung | Vice-President | Chinese Uni. of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Cecilia | Christersson | Pro Vice Chancellor | Malmö University | Sweden |
Rosemary | Deem | Vice Principal | Royal Holloway UoL | UK |
Andrea | Dr. Hoffmann | Vice Rector | Graz Uni. of Technology | Vienna |
Eileen | Drew | Director | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland |
Sondan | D. Feyiz | Rector | Kadir Has University | Turkey |
Ingrid | Estrada-Magnusson | Director of HR | Jönköping University | Sweden |
Mihaela Carmen | Falub | Program Manager | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
Carmen | Fenoll | Former Vice Rector | Uni. Castilla-la Manchaa | Spain |
Arne | Flåøyen | Director | NordForsk | Norway |
Desamparados | Galbis | Dean | Uni. Europea de Valencia | Spain |
Yvonne | Galligan | Vice-Rector | Technological Uni. Dublin | Ireland |
Feride Esra | Gençtürk | Rector | Özyeğin University | Turkey |
Isabel | Gil | Rector | Uni. Católica Portuguesa | Portugal |
Jeff | Hearn | Professor Emeritus | Hanken School of Econ. | Finland |
Claudine | HERMANN | President | EPWS | France |
Liisa | Husu | Professor | Örebro University | Sweden |
Kristin | Ingolfsdottir | Former rector | University of Iceland | Iceland |
Liu | Jinan | President | WWUPF | China |
Wang | Juan | Assoc. Prof. | Communication Uni. of China | China |
Despoina | Klavanidou | Vice Rector | Aristotle Uni. of Thessaloniki | Greece |
Liisa | Laakso | Senior researcher | Nordic Africa Institutet | Finland |
Virginija | Langbakk | Director | EIGE | Lithuania |
Japhet S. | Law | Senior Advisor | EFMD | Hong Kong |
Carmen | Lázaro-Guillamón | Vice-rector of culture and Institutionals Relationships | Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Rianne | Letschert | Rector Magnificus | Maastricht University | Netherlands |
Marcela | Linkova | Head of research depart. | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Rep. |
Lu | Liping | Deputy Director of President's Office | Xian Technological Uni. | China |
Anke | Lipinsky | Senior Researcher | Leibniz Inst. for the Social Sci. | Germany |
María Pilar | Lostao | Vice President | Universidad De Navarra | Spain |
Fátima | Marinho | Former Vice-Rector / Professor | University of Porto | Portugal |
Mª Vicenta | Mestre Escrivà | Rector | University of València | Spain |
Louise | Morley | Professor of Education | University of Sussex | UK |
Ursula | Nelles | Rektor em. | Universität Münster | Germany |
Danuše | Nerudová | Rector | Mendel Uni. in Brno | Czech Rep. |
Mathias | Nielsen | Assistant Prof. | Aarhus University | Denmark |
Katrin | Niglas | Vice-Rector | Tallinn University | Estonia |
Andrea | Nolan | Principal & Vice-Chancellor | Edinburgh Napier Uni. | UK |
Sijbolt | Noorda | President | Magna Charta Observatory | Netherlands |
Mary Jossy Nakandha | Okwakol | Vice Chancellor | Busitema University | Uganda |
Cristina | Orbeci | Dean | Politehnica Uni. of Bucharest | Romania |
Nermin | Özgülbaş | Vice Rector | Başkent University | Turkey |
Rosalina | Pisco Costa | Pro-rector | Univ. de Évora | Portugal |
Pilar | Safont-Jorda | Vice Rector | Universitat Jaume I | Spain |
Gülsün | Sağlamer | President | EWORA | Turkey |
Ahmet | Sağlamer | Professor Emeritus | Istanbul Technical University | Turkey |
Manana | Sanadze | President | The Univ. of Georgia | Georgia |
Jimena | Sánchez Barrenechea | Executive Director | EMULIES-OUI | Peru |
Zehra | Sayers | Director | Sabanci University | Turkey |
Sabine | Schindler | Rector | UMIT University | Austria |
Beate | Schücking | Rector | Universität Leipzig | Germany |
Sylvia | Schwaag Serger | Deputy Vice-Chancellor | Lund University | Sweden |
Sarah | Springman | Rector | ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
Mariana | Stefanescu | Dean | Politehnica Uni. of Bucharest | Romania |
Anna | Steiger | Vice Rector | Technical University Vienna | Vienna |
Marja | Sutela | Vice President | Tampere University | Finland |
Mine G. | Tan | SAB | EWORA | Turkey |
Hilal | Tekmen | Grants Specialist | Kadir Has University | Turkey |
Kerstin | Tham | Vice-chancellor | Malmö University | Sweden |
Kaori | Tsukazaki | Former Vice President | Kagoshima College | Japan |
Joan Enric | Úbeda García | Chief, Rector's Office | University of València | Spain |
Christina | Ullenius | Former rector | KaU | Sweden |
Adela | Valero Aleixandre | Vice Rector | Uni. de València | Spain |
Mieke | Van Herreweghe | Vice Rector | Ghent University | Belgium |
Krista | Varantola | Tampere University | Former Rector | Finland |
Mari | Walls | President | Tampere University | Finland |
Wang | Wenyuan | Deputy Director of IO | Communication Uni. of China | China |
Lucyna | Wozniak | Vice Rector | Medical Uni. of Lodz | Poland |
Li | Xiaohua | Professor | Communication Uni. of China | China |
Zou | Xiaoqiao | Vice President | Women Leadership Academia | China |
Lei | Yaping | President | Xian Technological Uni. | China |
Zhang | Yue | Teacher | Xian Technological Uni. | China |