EWORA has been organizing regional meetings with active as well as former female Rectors in Turkey since 2017 with the aim of creating strategies for increasing the number of female leaders in Turkish academia.
The 3rd meeting was co-organized with Ozyegin University on December 13, 2018. The meeting started with a welcoming remark from Prof. Esra Gençtürk, Rector of Ozyegin University. Then, Prof. Gulsun Saglamer (President, EWORA) and Prof. Sezer Komsuoglu (Advisor to the President of CoHE, Turkey) gave speeches respectively. After these presentations, an interactive session was held and Rectors had been asked to consider about their own experiences in regard to the actions they have contributed for accessing gender equality or empowering women and the actions they are planing to realize in the future with the same aim. The Rectors found a chance to learn and inspire from each other with the help of such interactions.
This meeting was followed for the first time with an half-day panel to initiate a platform where rectors can interact with gender experts. The panel titled "Actions & Plans focusing on Gender Equality at Universities in Turkey". Both meetings were hosted by Ozyegin University.
Please see the program of the panel:
13 December, 2018, Ozyegin University
14.00 – 14.25: Prof. Dr. Mine Göğüş Tan
(Istanbul Technical University Gender Equality Projects)
14.25 – 14.50: Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O'Neil
(Kadir Has University, SAGE Project)
14.50 – 15.15: Dr. Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik
(Ozyeğin University, PLOTINA Project)
15.15 – 15.40: Dr. Ayşe Gül Altınay ve Dr. Gülru Göker
(Sabanci University, SU Gender)
15.40 – 16.00: Discussion
EWORA organized its 2nd meeting with Women Rectors in Turkey on 12 October, 2017 in Istanbul.
Prof. Sezer Komsuoğlu, Advisor to the President of the Turkish Council of Higher Education and Prof. Gulsun Saglamer, President of EWORA gave presentations in this meeting. A long discussion took place after the presentations. Turkish Female Rectors focused on the strategies for increasing the number of female leaders in Turkish academia.
EWORA organized a meeting with Turkish Women Rectors on April 21, 2017 in Istanbul.
The Rectors exchanged their experiences and shared their ideas on how to increase the number of female Rectors in Turkey. Although Turkey has a high academic representation of women, the percentage of women at senior management levels of academia is very low.